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It is apparently controversial
  • I didn't follow any of this, it was forced down my throat :

    Random Twitter woman says she'd rather be with a bear than a man while in the woods.

    Some men gets angry that she'd rather be with a dengerous wild beast rather than a man.

    the Woman double down. Other women agree with her.

    it becomes a meme. Mostly by men making fun of how it would end if she really meets a bear or making jokes about how even the bear wouldn't want to be near her.

  • Children - Karl Ernest Papf (1886)🇧🇷
  • I haven't really seen an AI image in while, so I can't say if they all got a bored expressionless face. But I have seen a fair number before, and never felt the instinctive uncanny valley emotion I felt seeing the expressionless faces of the kids.

  • Check it out! Technology survived a Carrington Event
  • I know nothing about how any of this works, and so what I am gonna say may be complete nonsense, but If the current one was weaker and the last powerful one was in the late 19th century, then this would hopefully means another "real" corrignton event will at least need more than a century and half to occur.

  • Check it out! Technology survived a Carrington Event
  • For such kind of stories, I would prefer reading an article from a science magazine over a random youtube video. Not everything need to be a video!

    I don't know what a Carrington event is but based on context, I'd wager it's probably a huge solar flare hitting earth.

  • Action Pose
  • It's a demon ! Quick, call a priest !

    Joke aside, due to the lighting, his neck looks like it's backwards compared to the rest of the body.

    And the yellow teeth are a bit creepy tbh.

  • Family guy rule

    Available in theaters near you on February 30th 2024.

    Tired of constantly seeing USA politics and trump face on your feed ? Here's a keyword based blocklist to get rid of them

    I got tired of seeing trump face everywhere and a kind user by the name of SubArcticTundra shared his keyword based block list as images. I wrote them down and am sharing them with anyone else that is tired of constantly seeing USA politics on his feed.

    it should work on sync, Connect and eternity since they have keyword based filtering . Voyager , liftoff and jerboa don't have this feature (yet).

    here's the list in text format for direct use on connect (i didn't use some of the keywords he shared to minimize collateral damage on actual world news posts that may be interesting ) :

    gop, jan, maga, representatives, congress, biden, trump, desantis, far right, alt-right, democrat, democrats, republican, republicans

    It may not work 100% of the time but it should drastically decrease the constant spam of political news / trump pictures.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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