You have to let the first-timers have a little fun
You have to let the first-timers have a little fun
You have to let the first-timers have a little fun
You keep doing that to older DnD players too, except you drop hints that the enemies are in a cult that has been giving them power and when the wizard does fireball them, the wizard gets hit by a dozen hellish rebukes from all the young warlocks they just hit.
... That's the most evil thing I've ever seen
Does hellish rebuke activate after though? Cause if the caster is likely to be killed I would take that bet
It does, but giving a warlock enough dex (which considering they dont get heavy armor prof is reasonable) to pass a dex save occasionally and like 18 hp is all you would need for this to be a major issue.
Yeah it would have to be low level warlocks I bet
But then you also give them terrain that would allow a clever wizard to position themself such that they can see the epicenter of the fireball without having line of sight to the targets themselves
Honestly, if they caught the hint, understood what it meant, and took action, that would be a miracle and would totally be worth some cheese.