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The ideal floorplan
  • They need some shufflin' space.

  • Doom scrolling [Mr. Lovenstein]

    cross-posted from:


    I am the 11am friend
  • I'll take care of that.

  • I am the 11am friend
  • Is it? =(

    I just scrolled back a bit and don't see it.

  • It rewards exploration though
  • The lore behind this boss is intense.

  • I love SVU
  • You must mean "why aren't more memes superimposed on Quest 64?"

  • Political Memes The Picard Maneuver
    This really puts things into perspective...

    (I also love the unintentional implication that Alaska and Hawaii only exist for one map)

    Microblog Memes The Picard Maneuver
    Just going through the motions
    Gaming The Picard Maneuver
    I am the 11am friend
  • I effectively have been a morning person for years, but I still think my natural state is a night owl. Give me a vacation or even a long weekend and my sleeping schedule shifts to where it truly wants to be.

  • Microblog Memes The Picard Maneuver
    That's a weird thing to call it, man.
  • I think that's what they're saying. They were there together, but they took two photos since nobody was around to take one together.

  • Ok, now sleep tight
  • Mine aren't old enough to tell me that I'm doing voices wrong yet. I need to practice.

  • fatherverse The Picard Maneuver
    Groceries are expensive. What kind of lesson is this monster teaching?!
    Microblog Memes The Picard Maneuver
    Snake Wheel of Fortune
    'cause I'm the best there's ever been
  • Johnny was just so good that even the devil couldn't challenge it.

  • When you can't find a bookmark
  • I'd use that as a bookmark instead of food too.

  • Performance Review [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • That really sucks. I've never had a job where they separated PTO and sick days. They just pool them together.

  • Performance Review [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • What if I told you that it usually also takes away from your vacation days?

    So if you get sick too often, no vacation for you that year.