The thing I never understood about goth is that it looks like so much effort. The makeup, cloths, hair, it all looks like a ton of work. I always thought it was about embracing how dismal and pointless life is.
Yeah, I think I look at it like a template for self expression. If it helps you say what you want to say, then more power to you. What exactly that is won't be the same for each person.
"Analysis of the tearing pattern in these pants suggest that the owner did not rip them themselves. This tear was done by a the factory!!1eleven! Clearly the suspect is nothing but an impostor"
"We also found a reciept for these pants from a local luxury store. Seems like the owner got...ripped off"
I always thought it was about embracing how dismal and pointless life is.
It means different things to different people. Which kind of makes sense, if you think about how music and style spreads around the world and hits different people in different cultural contexts.