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Full movies on YouTube Rolando
Surviving: A Family in Crisis (1985 480p) [Content Warning]

You will feel bad while and after watching this movie. idk wtf people were thinking about, putting this on broadcast TV. But to understand why, you need to first read the:

content warning


and then the


The movie is about a young couple who are in love and who are forbidden from being together. Typical beginning. But halfway through this movie, the young couple commits suicide. Not only does the movie show the suicide, but it show them being found, it shows the bodies being dragged out in the open, and it shows the family screaming and crying over them. In fact, the last half of the movie is about the family's guilt, sorrow, anger, numbness, and blame.

so apart from that, it's a TV movie with that level of quality. However, it has Molly Ringwald, Paul Sorvino, and a very young River Phoenix.

  • find an invidious version:
  • trailer (no spoilers):
Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • I thought the swiss people seemed sometimes kinda "rude"or maybe a better word for it “cold” and a little annoyed

    I have some Swiss-American relatives, and I think this is cultural. They just have a different set of indicators, they're not going to be grinning and hugging.

  • Miranda July, "Roy Spivey".
  • Wow, I really like this story. I'm not sure why I like this one and not "The Great Awake"; if I had to answer, I'd say it's "voice", but that's a cop-out. I guess it's relatable but just outlandish enough to be safe.

  • Full movies on YouTube Rolando
    Death Promise (1977, 240p) - martial arts B-movie

    cross-posted from !

    > "A warning to the rich: Get Off Our Backs!" > > Also released in the US as "Slumfighter" which is a far superior title, but I guess they wanted people to think of "Death Wish." Basically there are there good honest people living in this tenement who are being oppressed by The Man, "but they can only take so much before they are forced to fight!" If nothing else, check out the original trailer, which is gold from beginning to end: > - > - > > You'll note a universally low production quality, and even the fight choreography is poorly done. But the actors have some real physical skills, so you'll frequently see a decent leap, spin, or jump-kick. With a bit more money this could have reached "Bloodsport" levels. And the main theme is truly funky. > > Summary: entertaining, if your expectations are as low as a landlord... That's a Promise! > - Full movie: > - Find an invidious version: > - More info:

    [Full Movie] DEATH PROMISE (1977)

    "A warning to the rich: Get Off Our Backs!"

    Also released in the US as "Slumfighter" which is a far superior title, but I guess they wanted people to think of "Death Wish." Basically there are there good honest people living in this tenement who are being oppressed by The Man, "but they can only take so much before they are forced to fight!" If nothing else, check out the original trailer, which is gold from beginning to end:


    You'll note a universally low production quality, and even the fight choreography is poorly done. But the actors have some real physical skills, so you'll frequently see a decent leap, spin, or jump-kick. With a bit more money this could have reached "Bloodsport" levels. And the main theme is truly funky.

    Summary: entertaining, if your expectations are as low as a landlord... That's a Promise!

    • Full movie:
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    • More info:
    what Lemmy communities don't exist but you wish they did?
  • visiting a neat-sounding community and realizing all the posts are by the single moderator (and are getting less and less frequent).

    This will be a key moment towards Lemmy's growth or decline. Especially in non-tech/meme/politics communities, it's so easy for the only poster be a single person who is posting daily, and who then simply runs out of content. Maybe the solution is for each frequent poster to post non-daily on several different communities. Anyway, check out !, has started posting a weekly thread on "How is your niche community doing?"

  • [Movie Clip] MINORITY REPORT (2002) - spider robots scene

    Anderton is recovering from an illegal surgery, when the police come searching for him! But did his new retinas have enough time to heal?

    > After E.T., Spielberg started to consult experts, and put more scientific research into his science fiction films.[36] In 1999, he invited fifteen experts convened by Peter Schwartz and Stewart Brand to a hotel in Santa Monica for a three-day "think tank". He wanted to consult with the group to create a plausible "future reality" for the year 2054 as opposed to a more traditional "science fiction" setting.[37] Dubbed the "think tank summit",[38] the experts included architect Peter Calthorpe, author Douglas Coupland, urbanist and journalist Joel Garreau, computer scientist Neil Gershenfeld, biomedical researcher Shaun Jones, computer scientist Jaron Lanier, and former Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) architecture dean William J. Mitchell.[37][39] Production designer Alex McDowell kept what was nicknamed the "2054 bible", an 80-page guide created in preproduction which listed all the aspects of the future world: architectural, socio-economic, political, and technological.[38] While the discussions did not change key elements in the film, they were influential in the creation of some of the more utopian aspects, though John Underkoffler, the science and technology advisor for the film, described it as "much grayer and more ambiguous" than what was envisioned in 1999.

    Invidious link:

    Full movies on YouTube Rolando
    Black Belt (2007 480p)

    > Black Belt (2007), known as Kuro-obi (黒帯) in Japan, is a Japanese martial arts drama film directed by Shunichi Nagasaki. It focuses mainly on the martial art of Karate. It is notable for excluding the usual exaggerations of the genre. The lead roles were played by karate experts, and no special effects were used.[2][3] In the film, three students of an elderly karate master decides among themselves on who deserves their master's black belt. ... The events take place in 1932 in Japanese-occupied Manchuria, in which the corrupt leaders of the Japanese army are trying to take over all the Karate dojos (a kind of training hall) for their own benefit.

    The link above has the Japanese dub and English subtitles, but has an annoying watermark. If you want something else, here are your choices:

    • - English subtitles, no watermark, but broken into several smaller videos.
    • - Spanish subtitles
    • - Japanese dub, no subtitles
    • - another Japanese dub, no subtitles
    • - portuguese dub? / vietnamese subtitles (click on "CC")
    • - portuguese dub but potato quality (114p)
    • If you want to watch Invidious versions of any of these links, just replace the string "" with ""

    Fun fact: the actors who play the three students are each an expert in a different karate tradition: Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, and Kyokushin.

    Full movies on YouTube Rolando
    Becket (1964, 1080p) - Richard Burton, Peter O' Toole, John Gielgud

    > Becket is a 1964 British historical drama film about the historic, tumultuous relationship between Henry II of England and his friend-turned-bishop Thomas Becket.

    The dialogue in this movie is outstanding, and it's delivered by some of the top actors of their time. Peter O'Toole as Henry II in particular delivers one of the best dramatic performances of the historical film genre, as exemplified in this scene:

    The film is interesting because it shows the background of the phrase "Will no-one rid me of this turbulent priest?" and also because it demonstrates the Norman vs Saxon class distinction in England of that era.

    Invidious link:

    [Full Movie] THE FIFTH ELEMENT (1997)

    I was looking through the top posts of ! and noticed The Fifth Element had been posted last year, and was still up!

    • Invidious Link:
    • An earlier discussion here on whether or not The Fifth Element is cyberpunk:
    Full movies on YouTube Rolando
    Shattered Innocence (1988, 480p)

    This is one of those Lifetime CBS TV movies about all the terrible things that can happen to your kids. In this case, a sweet n innocent young girl from smalltown Kansas moves to wicked LA in the 80s because life back home is boring and she has way too many responsibilities. Naturally she is soon partying and doing... uh... "films." This would all be just kind of campy except that it's based on a true story and it doesn't end well.

    • Invidious link:
    Content warning

    suicide - the movie begins and ends with it.

    Full movies on YouTube Rolando
    The Bunker (1981, 720p) - Anthony Hopkins as Hitler

    "Downfall" was already posted on here twice, but apparently not "The Bunker". This is a made-for-TV movie which suffers from its lower budget, but which is almost made up for by the performance of Anthony "Hannibal Lecter" Hopkins, for which he won an Emmy.

    • Invidious link:
    • Direct link to the equivalent of the "Hitler freaking out to his generals" meme, for comparison:

    Oh yeah, here's the link to Downfall in case you missed it when it was posted earlier:


    BONUS MOVIE: I didn't want to post too many Hitler movies, but here's a satirical movie called "Look Who's Back" in which he comes back to life in modern days. Disclaimer: I haven't watched this!

    [Music] Prekursor - CYBER CRASH 2000: MACHINE WARRIOR (2020)

    Like many good cyberpunk albums, this one has lore!

    > CYBER CRASH 2000 (1987) > > Despite a limited run at the time of release, Pak Nam-Gyu’s 1987 tech-noir classic CYBER CRASH 2000 has gained a small cult following among 20th century completionists. Equally praised for its ominous predictions and panned for its overuse of cyberpunk clichés, the film dealt with complex themes for its time including body modifications and transhumanism. The film soundtrack, credited to unknown producer Lee Hae-Dong, garners similar criticism, being both a schlocky analog product of its time and a tense atmospheric peek into the future. Restored from the original master tapes, the soundtrack is available here in full for the first time. > > Synopsis: > The year is 1999, 5 years since the metanet crash and the uprisings that followed. Pockets of civilization still exist in the wreckage of the mega cities and the off world colonies, collecting and hoarding data that could lead to a new awakening of humanity. However, ruthless “sequencer agents” prowl the soft space and the intranet, viciously hunting down netrunners. Only the upgraded stand a chance against the Syndicate. The perfect synthesis of man and machine. This is the age of the Machine Warrior.

    It appears there is no such movie; this is the work of Prekursor, which seems to be some Seoul-based artist or collective or label or something? Anyway, they have a whole bunch of music, art, and stories available, much of it cyberpunk-related:

    Full movies on YouTube Rolando
    La Révolution Française (1989, 720p) Part 1 ENG SUB

    Arguably one of the best historical films ever made. At times it's as if a news camera is actually there and recording what happened. By comparison, it makes the recent Napoleon film look like a cartoon. Most importantly, it makes the audience familiar with many of the key people and events of the French Revolution, which in the US is a grossly understudied topic. Amazingly, it keeps things interesting and tells an epic story with many relevant lessons for today.

    This is a 2-part film in French, with English subtitles. The first part leads up to the calling of the Estates General and goes to the fall of the Tuileries Palace. The second part focuses on the rise and actions of the Committee for Public Safety. For those unfamiliar with French history, this begins a couple years after the American Revolution, and ends a couple years before the rise of Napoleon.

    Part 1 "Les Années lumière" (youtube and invidious):


    Part 2 "Les Années terribles" (youtube and invidious):


    The uploader apparently upscaled the video, and integrated subtitles that they themselves edited.

    For more information:

    [Short Fiction] "Spirit of the Night" by Tom Maddox (1987)

    cross-posted from !

    According to ISFDB this was originally published in 1987, right at the dawn of cyberpunk. It's interesting to see that era's depictions of cybersecurity and AI. For example, here's a passage about hackers:

    > I must have been thirteen when I first discovered the hackers, phone phreaks, network bandits, all the computer cowboys living in the optic fibers, wave guides, old-fashioned copper wires. I tapped into HUMAN HEADZ, the most accessible of the underground networks, and began to meet them one by one. The Zork, from New Jersey, who would stack up long-distance tandems around the globe just to listen to his own voice echoing through the night. E-Muff, from Berkeley, a consistent thorn in the side of the U.C. Computer Police. U-3 Kiddo, a group from Portland who planned free gas and electricity for one month for all Bonneville Power Authority customers—power to the people. > > Through them I was admitted to the inner circles and the gossip, rumor, and mad delusion that passed in the midnight hours. The Princess and Ozmo and Dwarf had gotten married over the net but had sworn never to meet in person—it was a purely spiritual connection that gave total intimacy through the wires. Frostie had disappeared in Paris, taken away by Interpol, and would never be heard from again. Bright Water the Hiroshima-Nagasaki group, had sworn vendetta against Boeing because their B-29s had dropped the bombs. Captain Muck had broken into a C3 system at Omaha and planned to launch a first strike if he didn't—finally—get laid.

    Haw! Those crazy hackers with internet waifus who hate Boeing and can't get laid! Things are totally different now... right? RIGHT?!? Anyway, this story's hosted on Baen, so you won't be computer cowboy network banditting if you read it:

    Spirit of the Night by Tom Maddox (Science Fiction)

    A cyberpunk story originally published in 1987! Kind of interesting to see that era's depictions of cybersecurity and AI.

    [Movie Clip] REAL STEEL (2011) - unboxing and booting a robot fighter

    Real Steel has low-life outsiders using high-tech to fight against corporate types, so it's cyberpunk, right?

    It's another movie I'd call pretty corny but still good in many places. In the scene above they unbox a robot called Noisy Boy, here's an Invidious link for it:


    In a later scene they use Noisy Boy in an underground fight:


    Later they find and boot a robot called Atom:


    And they use Atom in an underground fight:


    For more info, see:


    The first part is the most cyberpunk. But here's the whole short film, split across 4 youtube videos:


    Invidious versions:


    For more info:

    [Movie Clip] - THE FIFTH ELEMENT (1997) - Zorg on life and destruction

    A futuristic evil corpo discourses on morality with a priest. An earlier post discussed whether or not Fifth Element is cyberpunk.

    • Invidious link:
    • Fun Fact: the first Roombas weren't introduced until five years after this film came out
    • Fun Fact: the center henchman at the end is the musician Tricky.
    [Music] THE NEON DROID - CONTROL (2023) Control, by The Neon Droid

    from the album Rise of Kronos - 2023 (EP)

    Control, by The Neon Droid

    I dig these albums that provide storylines, even though they typically don't stand alone from just the songs. Even better if they're written by non-native English speakers.

    > It's the year 2081. > > Our civilization -as we know it- has ended. > It's the era of chrome, silicone, AI and tech corporations. > > Of all the huge mega-corporations, one has become extremely large and dangerously powerful. > > It completely controls every aspect of our life. > > Food. Androids. Society. Life. > > The name is: KRONOS

    [Movie Clip] CHAPPIE (2015) - robot police team vs gangsters

    Invidious link:

    Haven't seen the movie, but this scene gives an interesting take on corporate-driven near-future tech, and its effect on the underworld.

    [Scholarly Text] Mirrorshade women: feminism and cyberpunk at the turn of the twenty-first century - Carlen Lavigne (2019)

    I know what you're thinking: "WTF do I want with a dissertation about cyberpunk, I just like playing the games / watching the movies?"

    Well the thing about dissertations is, they usually have a "history and definitions" section. In this document, it's pages 11-27, which contains things like:

    > The term “cyberpunk” was originally popularized by a 1985 Washington Post article by Gardner Dozois, who borrowed the term from the title of Bruce Bethke’s 1983 short story (Dery 75). In the article, “cyberpunk” referred to work by authors like William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, who were writing stories about isolated hacker heroes fighting against faceless international megacorporations in a gritty, high-tech near- future. The word was embraced as a marketing tool by science fiction publishers, and Sterling himself enthusiastically espoused it in 1986 by editing the “cyberpunk reader” Mirrorshades. However, Gibson, the crown prince of the cyberpunk movement, has acknowledged that the term “is mainly a marketing strategy – and one that I’ve come to feel trivializes what I do” (McCaffery interview 279). It is somewhat ironic that a genre movement claiming to deride the alienating nature of capitalism was, in fact, partly defined by the capitalist needs of its publishers...

    So let's say you're having an online argument, or decide to write a cyberpunk-related paper for school, now you have a well-referenced source of the basic relevant facts. Plus, it also mentions a bunch of stories and films which you may want to check out. Finally, the dissertation's argument sounds interesting, though I haven't read it all the way through.

    Anyway, here's the disseration home page, in case the pdf direct link is changed or something:

    [Music] MASTER BOOT RECORD - SKYNET (2018)

    Chiptune Metal/Industrial Synthwave.

    This is by the same guy who made the VirtuaVerse game that was mentioned here a couple months ago. Here's the soundtrack to that, btw:

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