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What are some of your quirks?

Not just what are your autistic traits, but what are some of the silly things or compulsive things you do that you feel is unique/possibly related to your autism?

I always keep a 12' measuring tape on me which is kind of a new thing in the past year. I fuckin love measuring things, and it makes me feel good to have JUST in case.


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  • I also have a measuring tape in my bag! And at my desk. And the couch. And the kitchen. Just because, lol.

    I also have a thing for obsessively checking the temperature and humidity in my house, so I have sensors in every room and the balcony!

    • Heck yeah measuring sibling! Hahaha I love that they're everywhere, easy access is important if you gotta measure RIGHT NOW!

      I used to have two but I lost the large one somehow! It still upsets me to this day and it's been months lol. I want to get a mini Keychain one just because.

      Temperature/humidity checking sounds kinda fun since it probably fluctuates a ton. Is there any particular tend you've noticed or that it fluctuates like, minute to minute or anything?

      • The keychain one is the one I have in my bag! They're the perfect size to take with you and I honestly used it a few times in stores when I can't quite guess how big or small something will look in my smaller appartment. Not just furniture but various items.

        The trend I see is just.... All over the place. It changes from day to day a little bit, obviously when it's raining the humidity is higher but even with warmer weather the humidity is high, sometimes. But then I can act accordingly because I can justify taking pain killers for my chronic pain, humidity is the Evil Force that makes it worse and I don't wanna take pain killers whenever so then it tells me "it's okay, weather's just shit".

        Also an European thing to do because we don't use AC is opening doors and windows whenever it cools down at night / mornings. I check the measurements every 15 minutes and whenever it's cooler outside then inside, it's go time! Lol

        • Dang taking the temperature to determine when to close/open the windows is a great idea. I don't have AC in my house and much prefer fresh air so I open windows at night and try to find the perfect time when I should close everything up. I think between 11am-12pm is the sweet spot, but then I worry if I close up too early I'll miss out on more sweet sweet cool air! Lol

          • Exactly! Lol

            I even went as far as getting a cheap temp sensor from AliExpress that works on batteries and has wifi so I get a notification when temp is below xx degrees called "windows open"

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