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What Linux distro surprised you the most?

During the first impressions of said distro, what feature surprised you the most?


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  • Many have surprised me for different reasons.

    The most recent that did is Alpine. I decided for some reason to install it for regular desktop use on an RPI400.

    First surprise, the ISO was so small. Second surprise, everything installed so fast when I used the install scripts. Third surprise was the up-to-date repos. The final surprise was the community: it handled noob questions and complicated questions so well, walked users through click by click and one command at a time. Awesome and totally an acceptable option for a desktop which is why I immediately installed it on my main laptop and used it for a number of months.

    • +1 for Alpine. I had my reservations due to their mistrust for glibc which rattled my GNU sensibilities, but musl is rock steady and all my apps feel stable and hackable.

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