That my parents knew what they were doing, made good choices, and were reasonable people.
No, no, ... and no.
That I'd grow up to eat candy, collect baseball cards, play video games, and read comic books.
No (type II diabetes runs in my family), no (wtf is a baseball card anyway), no (video games were replaced with homework permanently), and — well, actually — yes.
I love a good comic book, graphic novel, and/or animated series.
Does the work you do, if you still work for a living, follow you home? And, if you have children, are any of them still in need of your assistance for feeding, bathing, and/or toileting?
I'm really looking forward to being in my mid-50s. My youngest will be approaching 10. By then, I should be able to reintroduce video games to my life at that point.
My work never ends and always demands more. I've just learned to shut it off and ignore it nights and weekends unless I have an ever critical deadline. Yes my child is an early tween and pretty self sufficient...that and a tough opponent in Super SmashBros. I'm in a pretty happy place