Ask Lemmy
- Invitations to help moderate AskLemmy(
Hi Everyone,
We are looking for another person to help out moderating AskLemmy. Home instance does not matter, and Accounts will need to have a history of positive contribution to Lemmy.
DM or reach out via Matrix if interested.
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The use of content warnings on !asklemmy
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The longer version
The community rules which seem to need to be balanced by the mods most are:
- Be nice & have fun, and
- NSFW is okay, within reason.
The site rules also state:
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Moderators seek to apply these, sometimes conflicting, rules. In doing so we take the balance of probabilities approach. The majority of comments which have been removed to date have been a clear breach of community Rule 1, however sometimes balancing the requirement to be accepting of NSFW content and the requirement for participants to be nice can be difficult. To make this easier, posters and commentors are encouraged to use the spoiler functionality in markdown to create a content warning on asklemmy. Posts that use a spoiler are less likely to be removed when considering whether they are "within reason" NSFW.
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- What are some of Nature's naturally ambient phenomena?
- Fire(place)
- Ebb and flow of water at shorelines
- water droplets dropping
- winds
- storms
- fish swimming
By ambient, i mean something that is both stochastic and also sort of repetitive and something you could have happening in the background that is enjoyable in a furniture music/video kind of sense. You dont really pay attention to it but its good company that prevents deathly silence if that makes sense
- Forums?
Aye fellow lemmites, given current circumstances I thought it might behoove me to diversify my interweb experience. I would very much enjoy kicking it on some old school interweb forums. Ive found a couple but would appreciate some referrals. Anyone care to share some decently active forums here in 2025, the year of our lord and the fall of the empire? Namaste'
- What's the best place to buy a Trans/Pride Flag?
I'm ready to let these fucks know where I stand. Any site sell them where the money goes to pro-LGBTQ+ stuff? Thanks!
- Is there a concise, digestible list of negative effects of the current president?
I am living in the middle of a red state, and even the bluest of my neighbors don't seem to think that the president will have any direct effect on their lives.
In reflecting on the previous term prior to Biden, I only remember the gish gash assault of horrifying news day after day, but struggle to conjure the major issues I took umbridge with.
I am left with general issues, but lack the specifics to engage in actual discourse.
I remember the immigration stance was horrifying, but the previous administrations wasn't substantially better in my recollection.
I know the Mueller report indicated there was major collusion with America's adversaries, which was intertwined with disgusting foreign policy.
There was also the depleting of America's coffers, as our national debt skyrocketed, which likely coincided with his cronyism and the issues with the emoluments clause.
That was coupled with the complete mockery of the justice system, with obvious corruption in every entanglement he had.
All of these issues point to my view of the administration as corrupt, self-serving, and power hungry, but none of that serves as exact examples that I can have in my pocket when speaking with apathetic blue voters and red-voting neighbors.
They are unlikely to be swayed by the Martin Niemöller "First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out” line of reasoning.
Is there a list of exact tangible examples I can point to, as to why the current administration is so much of a disaster for the everyday citizen?
*As an aside, it seems to me every administration following the New Deal economic plan has made it a pet project to reverse it an reclaim any power ceded to the working class.
All of the policies that allowed a vibrant middle class have been whittled away. Public education, trade unions protections like the Fair Labor Act, social security, accessible healthcare, etc., have been constantly attacked since initially gaining any leeway in the 1930's.
Decreased government protections and funding for the working class, to me, are obvious negatives to be pointed to, but are not so obvious to those entwined in the current hegemonic narrative.
Are there obvious points I could be making that would provide clarity to my contempt with the current situation?
- Don't know a better place to ask, but is this iron ore? (More in post)
Found in NW Florida not far from known iron deposits. Yeah, rocks are rare as hell here, but there's an historic site a couple of miles away where they found ore and forged tools for a water mill.
- How do I help my neighbor feel more comfortable asking for help?
My neighbor is in her 70s. I'm in my late 20s and live in the apartment upstairs from her, so when it snows I like to help clean off her car/shovel out her parking spot. Today she tried to pay me after I helped her. I don't want to accept the money, but want her to still feel comfortable asking for help/not feel like she's taking advantage of me. How should I go about this? Maybe ask her for something small so she feels like she's helping me too? It's never any trouble helping her with the snow removal, it never takes more than half an hour
- What the fuck is going on with 196/onehundredninetysix?
I know there was some schism and moving of instances, but beyond that I can’t deduce what happened/is happening.
- What problems would absolute free speech have?
Say it were implemented in this world and you could say anything you like (written, spoken, signed whatever) to anyone who can hear/read/see it. What kind of problems could that create and are there any ways to resolve them without limiting that absolute free speech?
Could it even create unsolvable logical errors? E.g an omnipotent god can't create a stone too heavy for itself to lift. Maybe there are similar things with absolute free speech.
- What's your most non-mundane possession?
I had a friend (still have the friend, though we don't have regular access to each other anymore) who liked to "show off" how obscure some of his possessions were, possibly to achieve the "wanderlust effect" (i.e. the reaction of "how did you get these here"). Something about the anticipation that his inventory was alien to whoever he showed.
One day, he was asked to bring games and a console and he brought one of those extremely rare knock-off bootleg gaming consoles they sell in Asia, which we're not even remotely near.
"What the heck is that" asked my other best friend?
"It's the Mega Duck. I brought CFGP with me too."
"Why can't you be a normal Upstate New Yorker? We literally got Playstation."
"What fun is that?"
It wasn't some small quirk either. One day he took a long walk and came across a part of the area nobody had been to in decades and took pictures with my camera which he happened to have. Also having hyperthymesia, he came back and was all like "I took these photos of a place that seems like it was out of a fantasy painting and also recognized someone there who was on the missing persons list when I came back". Like a boss.
In contrast, alas, ever since moving, my possessions have become overwhelmingly mundane enough you'd expect most of it to be in an 18th century post-colonial American home, the exception (if you could call her that), ironically, being my dog who is of a rare breed.
What's the most wanderlusty thing you own, something that would be the absolute opposite of mundane if in your possession?
- Creative ideas for a bunch of railroad spikes?
Picked up a dozen hiking the railroad tracks yesterday. Seems I ought to be able to do something creative with them. I usually don't create purely for art's sake, I want it to be practical.
I can wire wheel the rust off but can't heat it enough to work that way.
- What is a good alternative to proton mail these days?
What is a good alternative to proton mail these days?
- Who do I ask to become a full-time employee: HR or my manager?
Was hired as a temporary employee (not through an agency) for one year and was told by HR that maybe after 6 months they would consider bringing me on FT. Would it be better to express my interest with HR instead of my manager since they were the ones who originally mentioned it?
- Any good english-speaking imageboards?
4chan has become unbearable due to a ridiculous rule that, coupled with some of the worst choices in moderation staff, has turned even the slower, thematic boards into some of the least free-speech-friendly places on the internet. And when I'm saying "free speech" I don't mean slurs or being mean to people in general, I mean expessing all kinds of opinions that local moderator might not like, most importantly discussing their unjustified actions regarding deleted posts and blocked users. Citing the rule that made this happen:
> 8. Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.
- What's a good alternative to messenger that I can plausibly convince friends to move to?
Knowing what a privacy nightmare all meta apps are, I'm wondering if there is an alternative option which is more privacy friendly but still has some of the ease and simplicity of some features such as messenger.
I already know there will be friends I can't convince and thats fine, I may just have to accept that. But if I could avoid using it as much, I'd really like to.
- Can cheaper housing massively boost fertility? Can cheaper housing massively boost fertility?
New paper says yes. But it isn't what it seems. Correct answer is "yes, but not like this."
- Why are all gamblers pieces of shit?
I'm not referring to the people who gamble once in a blue moon. I'm talking about those who gamble habitually.
How come they're all such garbage people, with legitimately no exceptions? Take a look at any high-stakes poker table and everyone except maybe the dealer is a de-facto scumbag.
- Do you have kids? Do you want to have kids? Did you regret having / not having kids?
I am of the age to have kids, some of my friends have them, but I have mixed feelings about it, just wondering about other people's experiences.
- What's the most profound thing you did on accident?
By that, I mean what's thing have you done that's the most likely for someone to react with "how the heck could you have done that on accident?"
My example: I successfully cooked a prime rib on accident. I was in charge of the house while everyone else was gone, and there was a prime rib slow-cooking in the oven. The problem was that a mist was coming out of the vents, and I didn't know it was normal. So I'd see the mist, turn off the oven, call my parents and grandfather, they would assure me it's normal, I'd turn the oven back on, and the cycle would continue because I don't risk that stuff. When they finally came home, we had the prime ribs for dinner, and the way I caused it to cook actually improved it. They bit out of it and immediately said "this is the best prime rib I've ever had". Thus I accidentally cooked a good prime rib. That's a positive experience anyways.
What some might say is my most profound negative example: There was a Minecraft level that was a replica of the whole nation of Denmark, and while the features that would allow it to otherwise be destroyed were disabled, I accidentally found the glitch that led to its demise and eventual conquest by America.
- What's going on with the respectful dissent controversy?
I was gonna go try to feel righteously validated for a pet peeve of mine over at Unpopular Opinion, but it's closed. Then I saw this post and it describes some concerns with moderation policies, but the link it references has a bunch of crossed-out text, and I was just wondering if someone is willing to write out the detailed explanation of what happened and what the controversy is.
- Is dessert a snack or a meal?
My position is that it's a snack and husband tax must be paid. My wife is arguing that it's a meal or occupies some third food space and it's entirely hers. Who's right, court of Lemmy?
- Time for the serious question... which brand bacon bits do you prefer and why
Just seemed like a fun question. I have been getting Kroger brand, and they seem to have a lot more plain fat chunks than they used to. And usually fat is where the flavor is, but these seem flavorless. But what else makes a good bacon bit? And what is your favorite brand?
- Would you change the way you live if you knew it would soon be over?
Imagine suddenly you no longer exist, poof, from one day to the next there is no more you.
What if you knew that this day would come in a month? \ What if it wasn't for another year? \ Or in 5 years?
Would you spend your remaining time differently than you do now? \ If so, why aren't you already doing it?
- is this made by ai? - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
So this video feels very vaguely fake. I dont know if you ever watched creatures of the fog ( there it was cgi ) but this has very similar feeling. Quality feels tad to low to be true, especialy in the age of 4k cameras in nearly every smartphone. It just screams fake and the channel dosent help since its only 4 months old
- Am I the only one that think the new bitcoincash community is full of bots?
The community is only 13 days old. Frequently I see post on all from either the mod or new accounts all ranting about bch or related sites and they’re all super excited to tell you about it. I mean look at the pinned post and replies for goodness sake.
All new accounts. All just loving bch so much and super excited to tell you about it. A lot of the posts have strikingly similar formats too. Like bold sub-title paragraph of text and repeat. Reeks of botting/astroturfing. Just me or nah? Im going to post again regarding lemmy being cool with bots auto posting links to off site frequently, but that’s a rant for another day.
- Would you rather have a moment of unrestricted internet, then live the rest of your life under censorship dealing with FOMO, or never have been aware of the censorship at all in blissful ignorance?
Basically: Would you rather have like a year (or so) of your life being able to browse the internet unrestricted, but you have to live the rest of you life never having access to those thing ever again. And you cannot save anything, meaning: no datahoarding (except in your brain).
Just never know about the free unrestricted internet in the first place?
(I personally would have trouble dealing with the FOMO)
- Looking for a good VPN for 2025, any recommendations?
Would be moving from Mullvad, would appreciate opinions on the current landscape of VPN’s from those who keep a better eye out. TIA.
- What would your favorite gamepade look like and have unlike other? What are the benefits?
As I had no experience with Valve's products, but rather ps4-5 knock-offs, I want them to have one or two scrollwheels with a sensory feedback in the future.
Switching radio stations like in old timea, adjusting your cam's focus in Outlast-likes, rolling the roulette while gambling in some Yakuza game, switching your equipment in some stealth game - it can certainly has it uses if it wasn't too weird.
But what idea or part would you like to add to generic controllers and schemes if you had an authority over that one an you had studios to follow this quirk?
- What's your best recommendation for an Imgur alternative, especially in terms of perceived longevity?
Now, no doubt this is my own dumbarse fault, but I'm coming to find that relying on Imgur to preserve my pic-content across the mini-articles I write and share on the Lemmysphere is just... well, I mean it's just so utterly hit-or-miss that it's become completely unreliable, daggit.
For example, I happened to check on the Satania review I first posted ~10mos ago, and discovered that the Imgur page source had been deleted without notice, altho oddly, the lead full thumbnail / image still remains. Like, what...?!
Point is-- there seems to be utterly no rhyme nor reason for the image deletions, whether the content is uploaded via official acct or not, or is kid-safe vs NSFW stuff, or is new vs old stuff, or even via file-size issue (I think, not totally sure).
Anyway, yeah... it's clearly past time to get the hell out.
So what would you recommend, mateys, and how reliable do you think that host is? (I'm completely cool with paying a monthly fee via PayPal in order for our content to last)
Note: the lead pic is just an anti-Imgur thing I randomly discovered, lol.
- Tips to open up family dynamics
Hi all. For several years I have been together with my partner, who is from a different country and speaks a different language. Together we mostly speak English, but her family does not.
We quite regularly go on holiday with her family, and this is what my question is about: about (how to change) the social dynamics of such holidays.
The point is: together her family has a lot to talk about, even if it is about nothing. They have their internal jokes. They are all very much "tuned into" each other.
As a result, they find it very hard to have attention, time or space for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have to be in the center of the attention. And yes, I guess this discomfort is partly the result of the privilege of being accustomed to more open, social dynamics that are more inclusive (with my own friends and family). But after several days without talking and without being talked to, it gets quite tough.
In "normal situations" I consider myself quite social and open. But in these situations, after some unsuccessful attempts to "join a conversation", I usually just withdraw in a book, or in my computer.
My partner is aware of this and sometimes tries to get them to involve me, but it's very hard for them to create and maintain space for me.
I can imagine all kinds of reasons: as a family they have withstood hardship that created strong bonds. Also they don't see each other that often. And finally they are used to me not speaking their language (in the beginning), which means that they are used to leaving me outside their conversations.
The point is: I believe they are nice people, and that they are not actively trying to exclude me. I believe (hope) that there are ways to change things around, without undermining the thing that they have going on among each other.
So this is where the question part starts: how to do this?
I was thinking of maybe proposing to play a game in the evening, in which everyone gets a turn to do or say something, which would then also involve me. Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
Or maybe you have other suggestions?
- What's the least illegal thing I can share that will get the fastest takedown request?
Literally the headline. Not illegal at all is best of course.
I'd like to have a sort of reverse Warrant Canary of sorts, that will pop if security is breached
- How to stop AI glasses?
There are lots of issues I have with them in terms of privacy, but I'm going to be very specific in asking about a certain situation and would prefer to stay on that topic if possible.
I have seen someone showing AI glasses which allow the wearer to cheat at chess. The glasses provide the wearer with computer engine moves, essentially making them unbeatable against even the strongest grand masters.
How can someone prevent this from happening, for example in a tournament match?
I don't consider this as being an issue at the highest level of professional play, but for club and casual players they might not have the resources to deal with this.
Currently the camera and/or screen information might be fairly obvious just by looking, but assuming technology improves this could become harder to detect.
Retrospectively, it would be easy to spot a cheater and correct results, however this still spoils things by having the cheating in the first place.
It isn't realistic to ask people to play without glasses, and I'm not aware of any way to stop cameras or ai from functioning.
So what can be done, if anything?