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People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why?
  • Indeed. While you were learning how to reverse the car I was studying how to reverse the time.

  • People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why?
  • Same here. I grew up in a big city, moved around to different big cities, always been on foot, biking or communal traffic. Never felt the need for a car. I'm in the upper middle ages now so I doubt it's going to change.

  • It's impossible that they could hurt me
  • The irresponsible pitbull owners mindset right there.

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • My friends Commodore VIC-20 was my first interaction on some sort of OS level, though it was of course the integrated BASIC environment that we were fiddling about in.

    Then my very own Commodore C128, mostly in C64 mode. I was curious of CP/M and GEOS but has neither disk drive or an 80 character monitor. Still, the C128 mode gave plenty of opportunity to learn computer graphics and sound in BASIC that was too tedious for me with POKE and PEEK or assembler on the C64.

    I cut my proper OS teeth on a Commodore Amiga. Made my own boot and utility disks and learned through experimentation the ins and outs of how it worked. I also ran a BBS on MSDOS that I'd already been exposed to at friends and school.

    Eventually I transitioned to Windows 95 etc because that's where the software and hardware was. I used some unix-like systems remotely by then over modem and dial up interwebs.

    I did some attempts at running Linux in the mid nineties but by then my mind was really elsewhere. Linux back then was some proper fiddlefuck that required time, energy, dedication, the whole spectrum of emotions and the occasional sacrifice to the dark lords. I used and administered Linux servers by 2000, but didn't bother beyond the necessities. Realized some time in the early 2010s that Linux had actually gotten useful beyond servers that rekindled some interest. Now I have several Linux boxes for various purposes and I'm pretty certain that once it's sunset time for Windows 10, I'll be running Linux as my next laptops and desktops as well.

    (PS. Not interested in having an argumentation on Linux everywhere today. Don't be that guy. Thanks.)

  • Beethoven's 9th Symphony
  • Hello, this is Steven from HR. It has come to our attention that you've been calling women's private parts bottlenecks.

  • It's the beginning of the end of an Earth week! Whaddya gettin' up to?
  • The beginning of the end of Earth-week? I guess it's time to ride the cosmic waves to eternity then.

  • Is it difficult to build a web app for Lemmy?
  • I haven't looked at the Lemmy API, but generally speaking hard or not is subjective. Try it, get your hands dirty. Take a stab at testing how it works. Set some very basic targets. Split it up into tasks. If one task proves more complicated than expected, split it up into smaller tasks. If you get stuck, move to another task. You can always get back to those later. Things fall in place with experience.

  • The Lenovo Technique
  • They were great back in the day when trackpads were shite and the option was a tiny trackball on your laptop.

  • Today I bottled my Chardonnay

    I started it in early march with the idea that I wanted a dry but fresh and somewhat complex wine for summer. I infused some oak chips with rum, but only had them in for a week something early on with the hope that the harshness would dissipate with gases and what is left behind becomes subtly integrated in the wine. I was going for notes and slight tannins as opposed to the super dry that was my autumn wine.

    While fermenting it was about 19-21°C in the room with a cold draft by the floor that probably made it more like 16-18°C down there. I didn't think of picking a yeast ahead so I went with the generic one that came in the box.

    It's been a very interesting ride in this relatively short period of time. The fermentation was very slow, as expected by the temperature and draft. It stopped bubbling but had plenty of sugar left in it so I racked it to oxygenate, added yeast nutrients and kept swirling it gently daily until I got it going again.

    Last taste was a month ago and it was not good, hoping it would mature after bottling and otherwise make it a learning experience. Today, much to my surprise, it is young but damn delicious already. Great taste, great mouthfeel. Tannins but not overly so, hints of vanilla, oak and rum. Easy to drink and yet some interesting flavours to explore. It's all I was hoping for.

    But now I have a new problem. While bottling it, I accidentally overfilled some bottles that I balanced into a glass, and then clumsy me spilled the last splash from the vessel into the glass too.

    Now I'm sitting outside on a lovely warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, glass in hand, the wine is oxidized and can not be returned to the batch. I'm not sure what to do about it. Please advice.

    What is Web 3.0?
  • Originally communication on the web was one directional, server to client. Web 2.0 meant active web and bidirectional communication. Hence, web 3.0 is a threesome.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed Picking Door Sensors
  • I got me a Zigbee usb stick for home-assistant and have three different makers of window sensors (Sonoff, Ikea, and Tuya OEM from AliExpress) because of no particular reason. Everything is local, no cloud services. The integration of all has been smooth sailing.

  • hmmm
  • Great minds and us too.

  • What's your favourite search engine?
  • There is probably a neat wget oneliner that could crawl everything on the open web. The real challenge is how to index all the information. That might be a neat Perl oneliner.

  • What's your favourite search engine?
  • It's a meta search engine. It queries other search engines and compiles you results.

  • Most annoying feature ever
  • In total per artist or per album or song or what?

  • Refractometers

    I ordered a cheap chinese optical refractometer from Amazon to use for convenience instead of a traditional hydrometer. It seemed accurate enough after calibration, I don't expect magic or lab results. Ballpark is fine by me.

    I got suspicious when my cider and wine have kept stopping at 1.020-1.025 and nothing I whatever I tried would only make them bubble for another few days and reduce a couple of degrees Oe. So I did a reading with my hydrometer to verify. Yep, the SG for the cider ~1.000 and with the wine in negatives.

    Checking out the refractometer it says it is for beer.

    Is there a difference for wine and beer refractometers? Is is this refractometer, cheap chinese ones in general or is it me?


    Edit: twas me

    I'd rather be an unknown fish in my own pond

    Apropos "it's better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond"

    Old ghost is old

    From "The Ferryman: Legends of Nanyang".

    Yes, it's the 1990s.

    If I had an artisinal shop of any kind in America, I'd have an emergency button under the counter that lights up an enormous neon sign behind me that says "NO!"

    I've seen enough of the internets to know this is a must have. Damn, if I was in America this would be a business idea in itself.

    Edit: If you nick this idea and make it your business - YOU'RE WELCOME! I only ask kindly of you send a yearly donation to Doctors Without Borders or some similar organisation.


    I was having a bad stressful dream like I often do. But then I realized I was just dreaming and that I don't want to dream this shite. So then I dreamed something else.

    That was nice.

    New Zealand Today

    If somebody theoretically wanted to watch all seasons of the amazing show New Zealand Today when the official streaming is geo locked and has blacklisted VPNs in NZ - how would they theoretically do it?

    Theoretical cheers

    Yeast strains for wine and cider

    How much difference does different yeast strains really make? Is it perceptible like what kind of apples you used or is it delicate nuances when doing a blind tasting?

    Forgot fruit wine with citrus zest in it for over a month

    BUMPSIES: Update and discussion on bitters/aperitif in comments

    This particular little wine was supposed to have the fruits in it for ten days. I forgot all about it over Christmas stress so the fruit has been soaking for over a month. I racked it today and boy does it have an aftertaste of the zest. Do you think it can be recovered? Will the zesty bitterness reduce from aging? Or can I do something else about it?

    Crazy Idea: Degassing wine using vibration plate

    While manually degassing my current 23l bucket of wine, my mind drifted off into dream land of how to save my arms and back in future times. I came to think of those vibration plates for supposed exercise benefit.

    Googling it seems people have considered them for making beer but in order to stimulate the yeast or something something carbonation magic - quite the opposite of my idea.

    Whaddya think? Could it work for degassing buckets of wine?

    Vonamoe - Georg Vogel

    Jazzy baroque lounge music on microtonal harpsichord is 🔥🔥🔥

    I realized why I like friendships with lesbians

    I'm a middle aged heterosexual man and I've been in various circles in my life where I've had lesbian friends and acquaintances. I was just thinking how much I've appreciated those interactions and how I currently miss having lesbians around me. Not because we stopped being friends, mind you, but due to my dynamic life and me being shit at staying in touch I've floated away from people that I appreciate.

    Anyway, then I started thinking why is that? Am I fetishizing lesbians, craving what I can't get etc? I like women who are confident so is it a sexual or psychosexual thing? It made me a bit worried because that does not sound very nice, Freud and mothers and all that jazz... But then I realized that this is not why.

    It's because they don't act and treat me like a man, like a male person, like a sexuality - but that for them I'm 100% a person. If I'm entertaining or funny or interesting, it's because I am entertaining or funny or interesting. No interference from deep rooted primate reproductive brain behaviour, and at the rare occasion it's popped up, it's something we can play off and dismiss.

    Even though I have and always had women friends, it's a different thing. Regardless our relationship, I'm always a man. It's inescapable. My friendships with lesbians have always had this special vibe. It's like what I'd imagine a good sibling be like, but I wouldn't know because I'm a lone child.

    Yeah, I miss that vibe.

    Edit: thanks autocorrect

    Spicing up a bland cider


    I decided to try to make a cider from supermarket el cheapo concentrate just for the fun of it, 2/3 pear and 1/3 cranberry/raspberry.

    It's gone from 48 Oe to 0 Oe in ten days, so I guess so far it is technically a success. I've been degassing it vigorously and it's going to rest now for a week before I rack it. I had a taste and I can taste the alcohol and some faint flavors from the concentrate, but oh boy it is so bland it makes my tap water seem flamboyant.

    On a whim I sliced up a thumb of ginger and dropped in, hoping it would give some flavor. It's what I had at home. Any other suggestions of how to add some taste? I've got xylitol, citric acid and tannin at home. I don't want to add more sugary fruits because it already tastes a little bit too boozy for the lack of body. There will be a bit sugar before bottling for carbonation though.

    UPDATE: Racking and having a taste a week later and it's a world of difference. Thanks for the advice! The ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon brought some body that it was desperately lacking. I think I may have had a little much ginger, two large thumbs in the end, because it's a bit heavy on the ginger basement in the flavour. We'll see how it matures. Surprisingly it was still gassy, despite vigorous shaking until flat a week earlier. Maybe the sugars in the ginger were enough to give it another go. I brought alon g the nutmeg and the cinnamon because why not. Now it's going to rest for another week and then it be another racking, sugaring it up for carbonation and bottling. Considering the low aspirations, I hope it will be ready for some early bottles by Christmas.

    Do high profile contract killings like in fiction actually ever happen?

    You know the type. High security, weeks or months of stakeout, sniper three blocks away...

    The hitman sorta things I recall from the news are either planned and executed by national intelligence agents or some savage gunning and running from hired brutes, but never the variant with sophistication and private sector.

    whaleross whaleross
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