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What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?


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  • My friends Commodore VIC-20 was my first interaction on some sort of OS level, though it was of course the integrated BASIC environment that we were fiddling about in.

    Then my very own Commodore C128, mostly in C64 mode. I was curious of CP/M and GEOS but has neither disk drive or an 80 character monitor. Still, the C128 mode gave plenty of opportunity to learn computer graphics and sound in BASIC that was too tedious for me with POKE and PEEK or assembler on the C64.

    I cut my proper OS teeth on a Commodore Amiga. Made my own boot and utility disks and learned through experimentation the ins and outs of how it worked. I also ran a BBS on MSDOS that I'd already been exposed to at friends and school.

    Eventually I transitioned to Windows 95 etc because that's where the software and hardware was. I used some unix-like systems remotely by then over modem and dial up interwebs.

    I did some attempts at running Linux in the mid nineties but by then my mind was really elsewhere. Linux back then was some proper fiddlefuck that required time, energy, dedication, the whole spectrum of emotions and the occasional sacrifice to the dark lords. I used and administered Linux servers by 2000, but didn't bother beyond the necessities. Realized some time in the early 2010s that Linux had actually gotten useful beyond servers that rekindled some interest. Now I have several Linux boxes for various purposes and I'm pretty certain that once it's sunset time for Windows 10, I'll be running Linux as my next laptops and desktops as well.

    (PS. Not interested in having an argumentation on Linux everywhere today. Don't be that guy. Thanks.)

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