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What uses of a smartphone do you think most people miss out on?
  • Those was kind of jokey answers, i really like using mine as a back up for documents via syncthing to view when im out if i need it. Much prefer this than uploading to cloud storage. I also use syncthing to have my save states for emulators sync from my phone to pc so i can contiune where i left off on the other device

  • What uses of a smartphone do you think most people miss out on?
  • Plugging headphones into a jack port and taking the back of to replace battery.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Amazon kindle. It didnt let me plug it into my computer and upload books to use it without internet access. Everything needed sending through amazon. I should have expected this but it was so locked down and filled with ads to the point it was unusable. I attempted to jailbreak it and it bricked so i threw it away and went back to using calibre on my computer. I would really like an offline open source ebook reader.

  • Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • Fedora (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • We recommend moving to linux eheh (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I never managed to find out about cinemaHD, Beetv and cyberflix on Fire Stick TV until ..
  • I recently tried streamio on firestick, the app worked great in terms of ui and responsiveness but the services it connected to never worked. 5 was on it by default and each allowed me to browse movies and series but when i attempted to watch them it returned an error or buffered forever. I also tried with and without a vpn to see if that affected it. Personally the way that still works best for me is using a browser such as sideloading firefox and then visiting the websites using a vpn like you would on a laptop

    Edit: while im here, sideload the newpipe apk. Amazing frontend for youtube

  • Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved Steam games to one of the most hated pretty quickly
  • I understand. I just prefer them to not be there at all. Ill only buy extra in a game if its in the form of a dlc that adds great content for example the following dlc for dying light or liberty city stories for GTA 4. Buying weapons and cosmetic feels cringe to me

  • Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved Steam games to one of the most hated pretty quickly
  • I know but id prefer it not being there to begin with as its a slippery slope. Its much more fun to earn loot than grind for coins or pay for them to get the skin.

  • Lutris wont launch on fedora 39
  • Im not sure ill have to check. I've just been using it for GOG and Epic at the moment

  • Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved Steam games to one of the most hated pretty quickly
  • Mainly micro transactions. Though its not as bad as other games i don't agree with them being in games that cost money. If they are going to be added i think the game should be free. Its mainly a critique of online gaming in its current state.

    The gameplay was not my kind of game but that's more of a personal preference than it being a bad game. I watched a ton of gameplay and had friends stream it to me and it looked very dull. He came across a lot of bugs while playing too such as clipping through the map forcing him to restart the entire mission.

  • Lutris wont launch on fedora 39
  • I had a similar issue with lutris and decided to switch to heroic game launcher which works great

  • Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved Steam games to one of the most hated pretty quickly
  • It was shit anyway. Never got it in the first place. If anything its just reassured me that online games cannot be trusted and will eventually bait and switch

    Edit: especially if the rights are owned by a publisher

  • If it works, kill it.
  • Im lazy and use spotify for podcasts but i do plan to stop and use RSS at some point in the future

  • Windows 11 Start menu ads are now rolling out to everyone
  • The cope iv heard from friends that this is okay behavior

  • Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements
  • Lol, year of the Linux desktop here we come XD

  • Is it possible to transfer my xbox account to another email address?

    My xbox account is tied to my hotmail from when i was a kid. I dont use the email, its been caught in data breachs and someone from china is continusly trying to access it but stopped by 2fa and strong password. I dont want to lose my games but i want to delete the hotmail account. Id like to transfer my xbox account to my current email address which is proton or at the very least a new outlook/ hotmail email. Is this possible as im worried about losing my games and game progress.

    Help with fedora i3 spin power settings

    I recently decided to switch to a tiling window manager and choose fedora i3 spin. Iv made some basic configs and scripts to give my set up some functionality i require but im stuck on how to configure the power settings. Im looking to do somthing along the line of setting my pc to stay awake for 30 mins before locking ans then hibernating or shutting down after 2 hour. Then additionally having the ability to toggle on a "caffeine" setting where my pc wont lock or sleep by itself. I cant seen to find many resources for this online.

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