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What episodes do you disagree with/have problems with the ethics?

What are episodes from any series where you have problems with what the show presents as the correct side in an ethical dilemma.

This is a different question than purely having problems with ethical choices made by the characters themselves, as this question rests on what the writing frames as "correct" in the end.

I have two to start. The first is TOS 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefield'. It's the episode with the black and white characters locked in a constant struggle. The message is that holding eternal grudges and especially in the dimension of racism is wrong and self destructive. That's fine as it goes. The problem for me is that Kirk, and the writing frames each of the two fighting aliens as being equally at fault.

One alien is from the previously oppressive class, and is hunting down the other alien.

The second alien is from the previously enslaved class, and is being hunted.

These are not equal positions. Clearly one side is more correct than the other. Also that more correct side is being hunted, and there is no indication he is intending to continue the conflict except for when the alien hunting him catches up with him and forces another fight.

Good initial message, terrible execution.

The next episode that has never sat right with me is Voyager's 'Critical Care'. In this episode the doctor is taken to work on hospital of an alien planet where medical care is allocated by a bureaucracy that largely follows an algorithm for assigning resources. Those who are deemed more essential receive higher quality care, and those on the bottom rung get scraps.

The message about unequal treatment, and the heartlessness of bureaucracy, especially medical bureaucracy is on full display. Eventually the doctor forces medication to be distributed for all.

Seems fine as messages go, but this episode sticks in my head. The thesis of the "correct" side of the dilemma seems to assume there actually are enough resources for everyone, and I'm not sure if I buy it. Sure, showing a sliver of high ranking people getting double doses of preventative medication while the lower rung masses get nothing is awful, I wonder about the math. If 10 high ranking people are getting double doses, and you have 100 people down below who need them, then I suppose you can cut the double doses and treat 10 of the lower rung people, but you still have to exclude 90 of them. In that case, a logical algorithm to decide which of those 100 people is the best return on investment seems cold but needed. A hard choice, but the alternative is chaos. In the end, the Doctor didn't provide a roadmap for a better system, he just left the ship in the hands of a doctor who might game it for more resources, but those would logically be pulled from a central pool and leave less savvy off-screen hospitals with less. Assuming of course there weren't infinite medical resources being hoarded in the beginning. I don't know, it was just a little too murky for me.


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  • Aside from the obvious ENT episode where Phlox advocates for genocide and Archer is like "hm, well if you're sure. You are the doctor after all, I guess..."

    And that episode of VOY where Janeway drags a person away to be murdered while they plea for mercy (hey, at least the ship's doctor is humane in that one). I know a lot of people celebrate that killing online, but I believe if they didn't make Tuvix look kinda ugly, people would be way more against it.

    There's also a couple of others that spring to mind... Janeway torturing Paris in the episode "Thirty Days", where she puts him in solitary confinement for 30 days, instructs nobody to talk to him, gives him nothing to keep him engaged, and gives him purposely bland food. This was considered torture (and made illegal in pretty much all of the developed world) even in the 20th century, never mind the enlightened 24th century.

    Not that it's relevant, because nothing justifies that punishment, but Paris' crime was saving an entire species from destruction, albeit after he was stubbornly told not to by that species.

    I think they tried so hard to make Janeway seem tough and uncompromising in order to avoid any stupid "women aren't cut to be captains" opinions from 90s fans, that they ended up making her actually seem like a remorseless psychopath. They pretty much went "what are some stereotypes of women? Let's make her the opposite!"

    Sisko using WMDs to render a planet (with civilians on it!) uninhabitable for 50+ years, completely without warning. It's highly likely that this killed a bunch of people, but the show never says.

    • Tuvix was an accident that if left alone would have ended two lives.

      Tuvok has a wife and children that he wants to get home to but staying as is would have ended all he had. Neelix would have never joined the other Talaxians, saved them and found love and family.

      I think Janeway made the right choice. Maybe it wasn’t directed with enough care but I always thought it was the correct choice.

    • Tuvix is an episode where I think the framing didn't support Janeway. That final scene was shot like a horror movie, and as you said the Doctor was speaking up the whole time. I think the writers' intent was to leave the audience feeling bad and confused. The only weird thing is because of the mostly episodic nature of the show, follow up episodes reset everyone's relationships and nobody on the ship ever brings up Tuvix again.

      As for Sisko bombing Maquis refugees you forget one simple thing: They didn't put on the uniform!

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