A familiar face will preside over federal charges filed against the man who authorities said sat in a bush with a high-powered rifle waiting to shoot former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago country club, according to CNN.Ryan Routh will have his case overseen by U.S. District Judge Aileen Ca...
A familiar face will preside over federal charges filed against the man who authorities said sat in a bush with a high-powered rifle waiting to shoot former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago country club, according to CNN.
Not particularly high. Judge Cannon isn't incompetent; she's corrupt.
If you doubt it, consider how she hasn't missed even a single trick in throwing the case in Trump's favor. She has been, frankly, masterful in conducting MAGA fuckery.
What mistake (in terms of furthering her actual goals, not a "mistake" based on the assumption of a judge acting in good faith) did she actually make to reveal said incompetence? Name even just one.
I would love to believe that she's incompetent, because that would mean she'd be less dangerous than she actually is. We underestimate her -- and many of the MAGA zealots in positions of power -- at our peril.
Please, cite a mistake and assuage my fears. I don't think you can, and that's fucking terrifying.
If she was masterful, there wouldn't be anything to overturn. But it already happened, and most lawyers say it will happen again in relation to the documents case.
Her corruption just delayed everything, not actually stopped it.