Samsung’s emoji are bad - 9to5google
Samsung’s emoji are bad - 9to5google
Samsung’s emoji are bad

Yeah they aren't great. But at least we have the blob using emoji kitchen.
Samsung’s emoji are bad - 9to5google
Samsung’s emoji are bad
Yeah they aren't great. But at least we have the blob using emoji kitchen.
They're my favourite emoji flavours, really, besides the blobbies (blobbies are life)
True they are the best plus the turtle through emoji kitchen
That's a quality emoji. All emojis should have a turtle present.
Why isn't this the official emoji style for all phones. It should just all be turtles.
I like the sound of that
still so sad about the death of blobbies :'(
Blobbies? Nah, better to have every emoji in 3 different gender variants and 10 tones of skin colour. It's just some much simpler that way!