What the fuck is up with Americans and their mega unique party affiliation yard signs?
Something like this doesn't exist in Poland, well not in the shape or form it's in the US. At most if someone has the ability to, you will see officially printed banners from a party being hanged on someone's fence.
Of course they are an eyesore, a waste of materials, and are littered fucking everywhere during election season.
Okay, sometimes there's exceptions
But they aren't novelty items that are stylized to look like straight out of Barbie.
So again. Why the fuck is America such a weird and wild country? Why the fuck would anyone promote a politician out of their own pocket in a "quirky" and "cutesy" or "relatable" way???
Jesus I hate the US. Yes this is a bit of a vent post, cry about it :3
Our sportsball games are vessels to serve ads and our politics are treated likes sportsball. It's ridiculous. It's always been bad but it became this level of stupid during the run up for 2016 because of the evanelical terrorists finally getting their foot in the door to turn the US into a Christo-fascist state.
W was heavily supported by Evangelicals, largely of the Dominionist type. They became such a powerful force pushing creationism and other anti-science rhetoric that the backlash to them basically gave rise the insufferable new atheists and Richard Dawkins' popularity. No nice things ever.
I read Jesus and John Wayne like 2 years ago and it does cover the Bush era evengelicalism. I personally don't recall any outright vitriol towards anyone left-leaning or anything. Can't say as much about the openly racist rhetoric against Muslims though. I was in my teens during that time and I ly really cared about Dragon Ball Z and Final Fantasy lol.
Oh geez, back then being a communist or socialist was a considered a slur. "Liberals" was nowhere near as bad, but still pretty much spoken with hate by the right. Especially folks that were political and kept up with Limbaugh. There was a good year or two after 911 that you could find yourself in a fight if you were a lib in the wrong place and the wrong time. Yeah, and even moreso if you were muslim or brown enough to be confused as one.
I did know a guy in middle/high school that claimed to be a communist during this time but like no one wanted to kill him or anything over it. Since kids are taught that both fascism and communism are equally horrible, it's what we knew. It was just weird that a high schooler was pro-Stalin to us. I sometimes wonder what his politics are now. I got back in touch with him like a decade ago on Facebook but he wasn't ever openly political on there then. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a chud though.