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question about masks
  • I personally use covixyl, costs about $20 a bottle, one bottle a monthish. I also keep a bottle of xlear handy, but it's more like a sinus wash, I rarely use it. I've been thinking about trying the iota-carrageenan, but I buy covixyl in bulk to save a few bucks and have another couple bottles left. Avoid anything that relies primarily on povidone or claims it's sterilizing your nasal passages. Also note that the FDA has been getting angry at some of these sprays claiming not be drugs/inactive while claiming to be preventatives. I know covixyl got a letter about that earlier this year.

    Here's a Google doc with a bunch of the different types. Recommend opening in incognito to avoid sharing your account cookies.

  • Four Missouri healthcare workers develop symptoms after bird flu exposure
  • This is bad but probably not sustainable in this instance. One of the epidemiologists on Twitter I follow suggested that the real worry will be when avian flu hits hog farms, as that's when it'll have the opportunity to mutate into a human capable variant en masse. That, combined with humanity's newfound aversion to preventative measures, is when we'll all probably get to experience The Stand ARG.

    Edit: Remember to mask, everybody.

    M O O N, that spells Immoonocompromised. Which you likely are.

  • question about masks
  • N95Gang says masks are sexy and functional!

    I always wear an N95 and use a nasal spray when I got out in public indoor spaces and the rare times I have to do the outdoor crowds. I also wear an N95 at home because I live with family who "after Covid" swung wildly back towards being total germ cultists and spending months at a time sick with "allergies." Despite them passing their "allergies" back and forth like trading cards for months at a time, I haven't caught a communicable disease since I started masking full time a couple years ago.🤞

    edit: forgot to put after Covid in quotes.🤪

  • tag urself
  • Consent Badges $8 each

  • Hexbear snuggle session
  • I put on my robe and snuggle hat. (It has dog ears.)

  • title
  • I was like 22 the first time I came across it and I was terrified of making an ass out of myself trying to pronounce it.

  • title
  • Live a little. Geoff.

  • Good news, everyone!
  • Accidentally drop something heavy on their foot.

  • Removed
    RFK has coomer brain
  • Least problematic behavior from a white male presidential candidate.

  • In case you're wondering who won the debate...

    It was me. I watched Kneecap instead and it was fuckin awesome.

    Sunday Morning Sticker Collecting with JoeByeThen (2023) - S02E05 [L3n1N].torrent

    The saga continues

    This is getting boring, nothing new in a while. They must've bought a big pack off Aliexpress or something. Also, they're expanding their territory covered a bit so I gotta walk farther in the morning. Just inconsiderate. Smh.

    Way more sharpie tags now. Lots of Trump 2024 Save America bullshit. Wish I could do a stakeout with a BB gun and pop them in them ass while they're doing it. !kind-vladimir-ilyich

    Science YouTubers Answer Your Assumptions (‪@Ididathing‬, ‪@allenpan‬, ‪@simonegiertz‬, ft. ‪@Boy_Boy‬)

    Somebody got all my parasocial besties in the same room so they could shoot the shit!

    Hilarious how Alan and Alex's lust for CEO death really highlights Simone's Silicon Valley lib-ness.

    School is back in session so I had to do an early trash pick up this week.

    Previously on StalinBallZ

    Way more 'Trump 2024' sharpie tags this time. Was able to acceptably clean/fade all but 2. 🤬 Covered one, and left the other a mess on a neighborhood sign that'll hopefully piss off the residents. Realistically unlikely though. It definitely happened between dropping my nibling off at school and picking them up today. Tempted to do a stake out across the street next Thursday.😅

    The Liberal-Class Virtue Quest

    Hopefully, I put enough words in it to be a meme.

    Busy morning. 14 this time. Think it's a coincidence?

    the saga continues

    None of these are any I haven't seen, they must not have gotten any fresh ones to celebrate the shooting yet. Also, you may remember that last week I jacked some fash politician's America First laden corrugated sign next to the road. Well, I left the empty metal holder there, and now there's a second empty holder! So hopefully there's a comrade out there helping out. !stalin-approval

    Oh, my soundtrack was Utah Phillips's We Have Fed You All for a Thousand Years. Highly recommend!

    Btw, if you're looking for a cheap plastic scraper you can get one and like 20 plastic razor blades for a couple of bucks on aliexpress in their "choice" section. I paid $16 for 2 on Amazon last year. Lmao.🙃

    Dog-like robot jams home networks and disables devices during police raids — DHS develops NEO robot for walking denial of service attacks

    These are absolutely going to start showing up at protests.

    The company making it.

    The first Air National Guard base to get one.

    Trump stickers. Freshly placed, barely seen.

    Kinda figured they'd be back after the shooting.

    Bonus election road sign grabbed. Because remember what Woodsy says, "Give a hoot, don't let fascists advertise their bullshit in your neighborhood." !black-bloc
