Until now !superbowl@lemmy.world has been my source of uplifting content of last resort. Sadly I have woken up to the realization that owl pictures might not be enough going forwards. Appreciate the thread.
It was hard to post today, but I told myself that I still wanted to try to give you guys what I could, so I put up some of the best I had in my stash of posts.
I try to keep politics out of it, but as I focus on habitat preservation and animal protections, it's hard to stay totally out of it.
I do have stuff ready to start Owl of the Year. I was going to do a preliminary round this week, but I'm going to let people deal with their emotions for a couple days, I think.
To anyone feeling nervous by the results, know I care about of all you guys, and most of the people I love are potentially affected as well. Anyone who cares about nature is always welcome to come and enjoy the owls with me.