You need to self-examine and understand the wrong headeness of this kind of thinking.
No liberal or progressive will ever win another election if they adopt this mindset.
You know what makes them win even fewer election? Allowing fucking Donald Trump to win the Presidency.
Vote dem in the general election, and change the party in the primaries. It's literally the only path leftward in our system of government. Doing anything else moves the government further right.
Allowing fucking Donald Trump to win the Presidency
And you know who did that? You know who allowed that?
Democrats allowed that. They did it by blaming third parties before any votes were cast. They did that by blaming Muslim and Arab votes who didn't want their friends and families to be bombed by US tax payers. They did that by telling voters they "had no other choice" when they clearly, clearly did.
If you are going to own this now obviously broken and defunct rhetoric it seems like you are committed to, then you own this loss.
If you can't change your approach and recognize the changes that need to be made, you are the primary thing aiding and abetting fascism in this country, because Donald Trump could not have won without Democrats and their apologists online being committed to this now obviously failed strategy.
We've had a 2-party system for over 200 years. You aren't changing that by believing super duper hard in a third option.
What you have to do is change the parties. Party direction isn't set by losing general electionsm It's set by choosing better candidates at the local level and in primary elections. Voting for a third party or choosing not to vote at all will never, ever move the country in the direction you want. It's impossible.
The GOP is cancer, and right now the Democratic party is chemotherapy. It sucks, the side effects can feel worse than the disease, but it's the best way to fight and survive.
Voting third party is going to a spirit healer. It's playing make-believe and letting the cancer spread.
You threw the election with this approach. You need to understand that.
This exact approach to rhetoric and myopic view of what is possible just handed the government over to fascism.
Name one national election in the history of the US where voting third-party resulted in the goals of those voters being achieved.
The 1860 United States presidential election was the 19th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 6, 1860. In a four-way contest, the Republican Party ticket of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin[2] won a national popular plurality, a popular majority in the North where states had already abolished slavery, and a national electoral majority comprising only Northern electoral votes.
Republicans were a third party to the Democrat-Whig two party system. Republicans weren't on the ballot across the south.