Only two Ethernet ports. No SFP. Only available on AliExpress. Dishonestly marketed as the "first router designed specifically for OpenWRT".
Perhaps they are the first to make a router for OpenWRT the FOSS project, but certainly not the first to make one specifically for compatibility with the OpenWRT the Linux-based OS.
CZ.NIC (Czech Republic) makes several fully open-source routers under the "Turris" brand that run their own open-source variant of OpenWRT called "Turris OS". It's basically just an Open-WRT based distro with a custom frontend + root ssh and LuCI, and you can go vanilla if you want to.
GL.iNet (China) makes dozens of routers all designed for OpenWRT. They come standard with a custom install that includes a custom frontend and a handful of integrations, but you've gotta root ssh and LuCI, and you can go vanilla.
There are probably more out there. I think GlobalScale makes a few also, once on Kickstarter.