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Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint
  • What would be so bad with...

    ...checks notes...

    ...informing young people about the most horrible decisions made throughout history, why they were flawed, and how not to repeat the same mistakes today?


    Just take a look at the world around you. That's a fucking start...

  • Poseidon must be appeased
  • It doesn't. Oceangate is completely dissolved.

    The co-founder of OceanGate started his own company called Blue Marble Exploration, and they are planning to start SCUBA diving in Dean's Blue Hole.

    Not the same company. No submersible involved at all.

    Literally nothing newsworthy about this than the founder's connection to OceanGate.

  • Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint
  • This isn't the USA.

    Texas is, believe it or not, the USA. Since 1845 even.

    I know you aren't bright enough to separate the two

    Big words from a pathetic person.

    it would be like saying because the far right has made inroads in French election, then all of Europe is in the toilet.

    Imagine existing in 2024 and not yet noticing the global trend towards Fascism in a world with increasing economic unfairness that's about to experience a worldwide climate disaster that will displace a billion people, handing a massive opportunity to the far right to take control.

    But no, the right wing is no big deal. Just ignore what's happening in Texas and France (and everywhere else), it's not important.

  • App development
  • Look, you're the one who set the Louvre as the standard for what is or isn't art. If you want to keep moving the goalpost, by all means, explain what you actually think makes something art.

  • Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • I'd say it is a bit more complicated than that for car doors.

    Car doors work fine on every car but a Tesla. They aren't some new technology invented by Tesla where design flaws like this are understandable. Tesla just does things so badly that they invent brand new dangers that only exist with their vehicles.

    You don't want it to fail and come open

    That isn't what "fail open" means. It doesn't mean that the moment the battery dies all the doors fly open. It means that when the battery dies the doors aren't latched shut like a bank safe.

    At a minimum, the key should offer a way to open the car from the outside when the battery is dead. It's completely asinine to put the only emergency latch on the inside of the car where you can't use it, especially since it is hidden so deep most people can't find it without the manual.

    What's controversial or unpopular about what I said?

    You're giving Elon Musk's awful cars the benefit of a doubt by pretending that this isn't a completely reckless design flaw that should never have existed in the first place, and you are deliberately misinterpreting what "fail open" means to make it sound like a ridiculous solution instead of the industry safety best practice that it actually is.

    Also, you're complaining about downvotes, so expect even more now I guess.

  • Listen to the AI-Generated Ripoff Songs That Got Udio and Suno Sued
  • My take is that you can train AI on whatever you want for research purposes, but if you brazenly distribute models trained on other people's content, you should be liable for theft, especially if you are profiting off of it.

    Just because AI has so much potential doesn't mean we should be reckless and abusive with it. Just because we can build a plagiarism machine capable of reproducing facsimiles of humanity doesn't mean that how we are building that is ethical or legal.

  • He remains at large
  • Nobody said anything anti-gun. This is a legitimate statistic.

    If it feels anti-gun to you, it's probably your conscience asking you if this is an acceptable side effect of unlimited gun rights. Maybe listen to that voice and think of an answer to that question.

  • Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars and liquidate assets
  • The loss of his entire studio and all of his trademarks is going to have a huge impact on his ability to succeed moving forward. Starting a new show on a fringe platform with no budget is honestly quite desperate. His best path to success is to try to ride a wave of victimhood, and he can't do that without once again spreading lies about the Sandy Hook families, so he either needs to find a new angle, or he's diving headfirst into another lawsuit that he will absolutely lose.

  • App development
  • The author of the article is right not to believe this claim. The author can say that their software was intended for whatever noble uses they want. We know from experience that software has mainstream off-label use.

    Is BitTorrent really a tool for downloading community content like open films and Linux distros? Because that's what the creators say it's for. It's not untrue.

    Is Jellyfin or Plex a tool for organizing your ripped collection of CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays? That's what the developers say. It's not untrue

    Is Tor a tool for protecting dissidents? That's what they say it is. It really is that. But is that all it is?

    This tool might be useful for identifying sex trafficking victims, just as a nudifying app might be useful for identifying victims of involuntary pornography.

    But on the other side of this is that nudifying apps are more likely to be used to create involuntary pornography, and makeup-removal apps are more likely to be used to harass women.

    No reason to ban AI technology or anything, but no reason to pretend that tools like this aren't used for off-label and sometimes nefarious purposes.

  • Political Memes Todd Bonzalez
    Oh, you!

    More unserious memes plz.

    Wikipedia has started allowing AI-generated videos to be added to articles.

    Discovered this today while browsing featured media on Wikipedia Commons.

    Today's video on Media Of The Day was a video about having sex in space. It is also pinned to the top of Wikipedia's Sex In Space article.

    It was amusing, but didn't include citations or appear otherwise credible. It was made using a service called "simpleshow foundation", which brands itself as "giving you the power to create simple and engaging videos with an easy-to-use, AI-powered video maker platform".

    So, yeah, more AI slop.

    Militarized Cybertruck cop cars are coming Militarized Cybertruck cop cars are coming

    A California company is advertising ‘tactical response’ Tesla Cybertruck upgrades for police cruisers, including shotgun racks and sirens.

    Militarized Cybertruck cop cars are coming

    >A California company is advertising ‘tactical response’ Tesla Cybertruck upgrades for police cruisers, including shotgun racks and sirens.

    ‘I’m the new Oppenheimer!’: my soul-destroying day at Palantir’s first-ever AI warfare conference ‘I’m the new Oppenheimer!’: my soul-destroying day at Palantir’s first-ever AI warfare conference

    America’s military-industrial complex took center stage at AI Expo for National Competitiveness, where a fire-breathing panel set the tone

    ‘I’m the new Oppenheimer!’: my soul-destroying day at Palantir’s first-ever AI warfare conference

    >“The peace activists are war activists,” co-founder and CEO of Palantir, Alex Karp insisted. “We are the peace activists.”


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    Todd Bonzalez
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