Short-form vertical video social platforms are here to stay.
We are not going to turn back the clock. I say this as someone who doesn't use TikTok.
The only semi-realistic (and I use this term very casually) option would be some sort of radical, never-seen-before change in our global societal and socioeconomic models. The dynamics of short form video social media will be the least of our concerns in such a scenario.
The real issue is that these companies are purely for profit and couldn't give a flying fuck about any negative social implications of their product. Every Le bad thing about any service is just down streamed from this reality of society.
healthy? what do you mean by healthy. healthy for whom? the life of the app itself? because it won't survive without dedicated users.
if there is no algorithm to keep track of what users want to see vs don't want to see, they'll stop using the app in favor of apps that cater to their interests.
watching a random video of something I'm not interested in isn't particularly all that fun.
if an app learns I like anime and video games or specific types of content, then I'm more likely to use the app.
Without the super addictive algorithm, it won't draw the Tiktokers. It'll take a serious marketing department to make it even start to compete. TT and Insta have spent an assload of money to make their algo addictive. FB and YT shorts took years of paid content injection at enormous scales to even become interesting.