What item you use frequently would you be least surprised to learn is secretly bad for you?
This is sort of a shower thought because this morning I was using some shaving cream and I thought, if it turns out in 5 years this was giving me cancer, I wouldn't be surprised.
Comes out a goo, ejected from a can with force, immediately becomes a foam?
Do you have anything you use that you think might be too good to be true?
It doesn't even have to change temperature, it is enough that the water remains in the bottle for few days for plastic to start "decomposing" (probably not the correct word for it). And by the time you buy the bottle, it has been long since it was filled in the first place.
Oh, and the expiration date on the water bottles? Obviously it's not the water getting stale. It's for the plastic.
I switched over to have water delivered to my home in glass bottles (fortunately multi-use glass bottles are still a thing here in Germany). It tastes so much better than the same brand from PET bottles.
(Why don't I drink tap water? Because I want my water sparkling with CO2 bubbles, and I don't like the simple carbonaton appliance)