I agree with you that Republicans have been big on obstructionism. And Democrats have never taken serious steps to deal with it, because corporate Democrats like the obstructionism. They want to pretend to be left wing, but if they actually had to pass left-wing policies, that would piss off their corporate funders. Obviously this is a vast simplification, but I think the best example was Obama pushing for the ACA instead of NHS. You can argue that it would have been hard to get NHS through, but it would have solved the problems that are even bigger now than they were 10 years ago. No way big pharma was going to allow that. There's too much money to be made when you sell insurance and then allow your customers to die anyway.
Then present a better option. Vote in the primaries. Start building support for a good 3rd party. Fucking hell start building a socialist revolution! Do something other than not voting and calling it a day
Did I say the blue dogs were listed off randomly? Or did I say what came after was more or less random? Throwing put buzzwords is random, even if folks in the ingroup understand it is still random.