"Under the surveillance program, the NYPD “mapped out every mosque within 100 miles of New York” and initially studied “more than 250 mosques in New York and New Jersey.” By 2006, the NYPD had also “identified 31 Muslim student associations and labeled seven of them ‘MSAs of concern.’” In New Jersey, surveillance “extended across at least 20 mosques, 14 restaurants, 11 shops, two schools and two Muslim student groups.”
Whoever or whatever is behind this drone thing (if there is any substance to it at all) scares me far less than the NYPD. I would rather deal with literal actual extraterrestial aliens from another planet than the NYPD, fuck the NYPD.
The NYPD is an organization of violence not an institution of public safety and it has grown out of control like a cancer.
Making it difficult for IAB to investigate reports of misconduct, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a former NYPD captain, told the wire service Reuters in late 2014 that the IAB leaks the identities of NYPD officers who file complaints against other officers. Of the broken system to investigate official misconduct, Borough President Adams said, "There's no real outlet to report the abuse."[231]
After Eric Garner's July 2014 chokehold death, the Department of Investigation issued a report, examining 10 cases where the CCRB substantiated complaints about officers using chokeholds. The report showed that the NYPD rejected recommendations for discipline in a majority of the examined cases, raising concerns about the lack of accountability for police misconduct. Philip Eure, the inspector general of the NYPD, told The New York Times, "Obviously, we are going to be looking at a broader sample of cases to see if it's more systemic, but people should be troubled by the disconnect that we determined exists already in the disciplinary process."[232]
An independent 2015 investigation into the transparency of New York government agencies showed that the NYPD was resistant to revealing even basic information about itself. A request filed under the state's Freedom of Information Act seeking the names of the NYPD's employees was denied on the basis that a list of employees was information that was not in the "possession, custody, or control" of the agency. The investigation, conducted in joint co-operation between the transparency Web site MuckRock and the news publication The New York World, surveyed 86 municipal and state agencies. The worst-performing agency was the NYPD, which received the grade of "F" for its resistance to disclosing information about itself.
The NYPD does not exist to keep people safe from anything, they are only interested in these "drone sightings" insofar as it could be used to justify even more draconian policing policies and illegal surveillance and violation of people's rights to privacy.