Since the late 1990s, drug companies have spent tens of billions of dollars on television ads, drumming up demand for their products with cheerful jingles and scenes of dancing patients.
If it works like Pennsylvania's soda tax and doesn't apply to people paying with EBT that would be okay enough for me. Lord knows I could use some outside influence to stop buying junk food.
Would be best to also subsidise the healthy foods to make them cheaper but no way in hell that will happen any red administration.
Yeah the other thing I agree with him on is bringing in Joel Salatin’s approach to regenerative agriculture. This is all about building up soil health and soil ecosystems rather than conventional fertilizer and heavy tillage.
I don't think a forced change like that is really necessary The only reason it really stopped in the first place is because corn is so subsidized by the government that it is cheaper and less work to just keep expanding land and planting more corn fields. Stop the outrageous subsidizing of corn and corn based products and it would make sense for farmers to rotate/sustain crop fields and diversify crops.
This "broken clock" is right a surprising amount of the time, just don't focus on the occasional statement he makes that the corporate media really, really wants you to focus on, they've deployed the crackpot strategy on a guy who really just wants you to eat healthy and make your own choices about your health.
We all know the traitor is lying about literally everything that comes out of his mouth. Just the fact that rfk would accept a position with a verified seditionist traitor tells me all I need to know about Mr. whale head hacksaw.
Anyone who pays attention to what Trump says and not what Trump does is a fool. Trump is a compulsive liar who constantly contradicts himself, and Trump never appoints anyone to public office for the public good.
You need to actually listen to what he is saying, not what others say he is. Sustainable farming, eat healthy, limit processed oil intake, reduction of pesticide/herbicide/etc use....these are not crackpot positions, simply threats to the corporate status quo.
Fear mongering. Actually listening to what RFK has to say versus what mass media wants you to think he's about, very quickly leads to agreeing with the guy on roughly 95 percent of topics.
By banning, or even reducing the use of commonly used vaccines, he's going to condemn thousands of kids to horrible deaths and more to horribly damaged lives. His is not a job where being right 2% of the time is acceptable. And is someone only a crackpot if every single thing they believe is bullshit? Because that's stupid-ass binary thinking of the worst sort. There are some policy positions that are so destructive that they render a person unfit for any position of responsibility if they espouse them. And RFK has not just one of those, but a whole fucking portfolio.