how much power does your system need?
how much power does your system need?
I wonder if my system is good or bad. My server needs 0.1kWh.
how much power does your system need?
I wonder if my system is good or bad. My server needs 0.1kWh.
kWh is a unit of energy, not power
I was really confused by that and that the decided units weren't just in W (0.1 kW is pretty weird even)
Wh shouldn't even exist tbh, we should use Joules, less confusing
Watt hours makes sense to me. A watt hour is just a watt draw that runs for an hour, it's right in the name.
Maybe you've just whooooshed me or something, I've never looked into Joules or why they're better/worse.
Joules (J) are the official unit of energy. 1W=1J/s. That means 1Wh=3600J or that 1J is kinda like "1 Watt second". You're right that Wh is easier since everything is rated in Watts and it would be insane to measure energy consumption by seconds. Imagine getting your electric bill and it says you've used 3,157,200,000J.
Or just 3.1572GJ.
Which apparently is how this Canadian natural gas company bills its customers:
I guess it wouldn't make sense to measure energy used by gas-powered appliances in Wh since they're not rated in Watts. Still, measuring volume and then converting to energy seems unnecessarily complicated.
Thanks for the explainer, that makes a lot of sense.
Wasn't it stated for the usage during November? 60kWh for november. Seems logic to me.
Edit: forget it, he's saying his server needs 0.1kWh which is bonkers ofc
Only one person here has posted its usage for November. The OP has not talked about November or any timeframe.
Yeah misxed up pists, thought one depended on another because it was under it. Again forget my post :-)