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is there a guideline for using nix packages?
  • I had trouble with at least julia rstudio and zed which is why I didn't specify the specific package and would like to know how to solve it in general.

    Thanks for your write up! It gives me a better understanding of it! But I guess the only thing that I can do now is to raise issues when the package doesn't work properly :D

    I solved it using distrobox but I'd prefer using nix

  • is there a guideline for using nix packages?

    I want to install a package, I lookup for the package here I can find multiple versions. two that sound right, two sound like rubbish and one is a plugin for something. How do I decide which of the two good sounding packages I should choose? What if the package or even both not work? How do I know that it is up to date? How do I know that it will be updated in a timely manner? Can I update it?

    Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?
  • Why would anyone ddos you? Ddos costs money andor effort. Noone is going to waste that on you. Maybe dos but not ddos. And the troll will go away after some time as well. There's no gain in dosing you. Why would anyone hack your static website? For the lulz? If everything is https encrypted on your local net how does a hacker infest everything on your network?

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
  • I keep recurring donations to big projects like KDE and one time once in a while to smaller projects/devs. There's no incentive for me to donate a dollar to someone who wrote an app to control the flash but a one time donation is good. One time donation is also good for projects you just check out and think it's good. Projects I heavily use also get a regular donation. And I didn't sit down and looked up every project but I star everything on github at first and then after a while I donate. A star is the minimum I do for good projects

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • Usually people recommend what they use and like. A majority of people is on ubuntu/mint. Hence, they recommend that. I don't like apt and I'd never send someone in the debian world unless they want a server. But nowadays the package manager doesn't matter too much anyway. You should use flatpaks first, and then distrobox, nix, or native (rpm). You won't feel a real difference between major distros because you don't interact with the underlying system too much.

    Fedora is perfect for beginners. And especially atomic versions as you said are great for beginners. Atomic versions are not good for tinkerers, so if you send someone who wants to customize his experience heavily, he's going to have a hard time on atomic versions as a beginner. A casual pc user who will edit docs and browse internet prpfits immensely from fedora and atomic version. Fedora has awesome defaults and a new user does not need to care about recent advances in linux because fedora implements them already. Especially ublue improves upon fedora's ecosystem.

  • what's your take on SQL style guides? Especially this one Modern SQL Style Guide

    Modern SQL Style Guide. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

    Modern SQL Style Guide

    I found this SQL style guide which looks good. I'm not a pro at SQL but it looks good to me. I mean, you use the style guide your boss wants you to use, or what all others use, but what if you could choose?

    This Week in Matrix This Week in Matrix 2024-06-21

    Matrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communications

    This Week in Matrix 2024-06-21
    How to install Nix on Fedora Silverblue

    Today, I wanted to have another go with nix. Previously I just read about it and didn't do anything for a couple of months. Now, I installed nix package manager with very few lines of code and two more to install many packages as described in his post. Installation was very fast on my banana laptop. Until now I used distrobox but I always wondered which distro/ package manager to use. What's your experience with it? For now, I'll test it. It's super easy to use. It may not be straight forward to a linux newcomer but if you know what you want, e.g. ffmpeg you can just add it with home-manager edit and install it with home-manager switch. So far, I love it!

    immich: Does a SSD/HDD make a noticable difference?

    I wonder if there is a nptocable difference between a HDD and SSD. Did someone already test it? I run it off a good SSD but wonder if a HDD would be enough.

    why does ublue bundle homebrew?

    What's up with homebrew that you'd have it installed by default on linux?

    I don't understand the appeal of it, can someone help me?

    how to move to a new computer?

    I just bought a new computer. I'll install fedora silverblue. Do I just need to copy the home directory? And crontab. What else do I need to move?

    How to feed your dog vegan

    Do you guys have good resources on how to feed your dog vegan?

    There are a lot of pages online that simply say "consult an advisor" who will calculate what your dog needs. I'm not bad in maths, I could calculate it myself if I'd knew what the dog needs. I can look into commercial dog food ingrediants but there are declarations like "minerals" without any further specificiations. Moreover, I eat a huge variety in differrent vegetables and food in general, yet my dog shall always eat the same according to vegan complete feed. Moreover, I can not properly judge whether a feed is good because the information is missing.

    Where does the nutritionist get his information from? There must be someone who has studied the needs of a dog based on size and breed and created a formula such that you can calculate the servings.

    I've looked into books on amazon and the comments are horrible. There's nothing on libgen and google scholar doesn't yield appropriate results.

    how to auto mount nextcloud folder in nautilus in GNOME?

    Whenever I open nautilus I have to mount the nextcloud folder first. Is there a way to auto mount the folder?

    Adding it to fstab?

    can you speed up osmand? it is incredibly slow on my pixel 6

    It improved slightly with opengl but it's still very slow to render offline maps after years.

    what's your favorite kanban board?

    I'm checking out flowly right now. I'm looking for a kanban board that optimally connects with a todo list and calendar, preferably webdav (but no must). what can you guys recommend?

    Kanban board for Linux

    Whats your fav kanban board for linux (and android)?

    I know of planka, obsidian and nextcloud deck. What's your favorite tool?

    Immich Breaking Changes - v1.106.2 Releases · immich-app/immich

    High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution. - immich-app/immich

    Releases · immich-app/immich
    Proton Pass for Linux Download Proton Pass for your Browser or Mobile Device | Proton

    Download Proton Pass, fully-featured password manager software for Android, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Edge

    Download Proton Pass for your Browser or Mobile Device | Proton
    How to detect problems on computer?

    My server (fedora) stops all podman containers after 2-3 hours since 3 days. I can start all containers again, and the same happens after a while. I do not know where to look for the problem.

    In top, I found a oom message. I assume that the system runs out of memory and stops all services. How can I find the problem? I can’t find anything in the container logs.

    I can see that systemctl status is always starting. It doesn’t become “running”. But I do not know how to proceed.

    Cycle through windows | apps

    Following is very subjective and probably varies from distro to distro, de to de, app to app, user to user.

    For the longest time, I believed Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab was the only way of navigation through apps and windows. Many years ago, some editor introduced me to the behavior that Ctrl+Tab switches to the last used tab. I hated that behavior. I didn't understand it and it was annoying. Luckily you could switch to the old way (in my experience) which I did.

    How do you guys cycle through windows?

    What is the best way for switching? Is there a standard or at least an attempt for a standard? Or at least a name for different styles?

    App / Window switching

    I switch and highlight apps by pressing Meta+Tab, or Meta+Shift+Tab. This works very good. I use PaperWM, a window tiling feature in GNOME such that I have no overlapping windows and don't need to care about the position of the windows anymore for the most part. When I press Ctrl+i, the window to the right of the highlighted window moves below the current window and both adjust in size to half the screen.


    Cycle right isn't the proper way of going forward doesn't apply here anymore unless I define it as a zig zag movement.


    Luckily, we have arrow keys. With, Meta+[Up,Down,Left,Right] I can move to any window. The shortcoming is that I need two hands because Meta is on the left and the arrow are on the right side of the keyboard. Having to use two hands is a big no-go for a fundamental command in my opinion. What's the solution to this? Ctrl+[W,S,A,D]? Does it clash with other main fundamental keybindings?

    Kate uses Alt+Arrow to cycle through tabs. It uses Ctrl+Tab to cycle through time.

    If you use Ctrl+Arrow to cycle through the windows, you can use Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab for cycling through time, i.e. last used tab/window.

    In the browser, I navigate via Ctrl+Tab. There are no tabs below the current tab. btw, why not, mozilla? Kate and Pulsar (Atom successor) have Ctrl+N as the default for a new document (and hence tab).

    For consistency, I want to use either Ctrl+T or Ctrl+N for a new document/window. Which standard do you guys use and prefer? Other apps with other keybindings?

    Ctrl+Tab is good for a linear movement but Ctrl+Arrow is more logical.

    I used to use Alt+F4 to quit apps. Recently, I discovered that you can use Ctrl+w to quit a tab and Ctrl+q to close a window. Wouldn't it be better to use Ctrl+q to close a tab and Meta+q to close the window?

    Currently, I default to

    • Ctrl+Arrow is for tab bidimensional motion.
    • Meta+Arrow is for window bidimensional motion.
    • Ctrl+Tab is for tab time-dimensional motion.
    • Meta+Tab is for window time-dimensional motion.
    • Which is better Ctrl+T or Ctrl+N for a new tab/document? Is it good that there is a distinction?
    • Shift always reverses the action

    I can't find a way to customize the keybindings in firefox, does that mean that I have to default to [Ctrl,Meta]+Tab to cycle through tabs/windows?

    Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade

    In an apparent effort to boost revenues, gaming social media startup Discord plans to implement ads into its free service. The step is expected in the coming days after 9 years of ad-free experience.

    Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade

    I don't think people on this sub use it, but it's great news for us. The worse it gets the likelier people move on.

    what's your solution for translation and dictionary on linux and android?

    I hate my current solution.

    I use notification dictionary and which is obviously not open source. For me, it takes too long just to translate a word, or look it up. Do you have a great system?

    Nick @ The Linux Experiment ( Nick @ The Linux Experiment (

    Hey everyone! I'm working on a video to see what the Linux community (or at least people who follow me) actually use. So, I created a little form, hosted on my Nextcloud (hopefully it's up to the task...) It's only up for 2 days, so don't hesitate to share it around, it will help me "touch grass...

    My server couldn't handle such load.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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