I'm all for protests, but please don't block major roadways or interstates.
emergency services use the same roads and your protest will kill someone. pile up on the sides of the road, throw paint balloons in the streets, throw your shit at cars passing by. I really don't care.
just keep the streets clear for emergency services.
every protest I've seen on highways or streets smashed ambulances and cop cars trying to get through.
does that mean every protest is like that? no. does that mean we can't all work together to ensure to protection of human life? no.
protests are supposed to be disruptive but don't damage your message out of spite for society. target buildings or locations that speak to the movement. have a problem with the cops? surround every police station. have a problem with the city? block access to cityhall.
protests are meant to actually mean something, a defined message to the establishment that's clear and easy for others to get behind.
Then even so, racial injustice, climate change, genocide, and other such problems that are being protested about cause more harm than that all the time.
Nobody said it's pleasant, only that it's necessary and the only way to affect change
first of all, I never said that. never even implied it.
second of all, I don't drive asshole. I work from home 100% of the time.
I couldn't care less if I have to sit in traffic.
However I DO care when innocent people are forced to suffer because of your entitled sense of superiority. I DO care when your willful ignorance tears families apart because you are filled with so much vitriol and hate for other people you're willing to allow any number of people suffer just to prove a point.
get your shit together dude. don't care how, don't care where. just pack up all your fucking bullshit and fucking deal with it. deal with it before you need to go to a protest because anger had no place in a peaceful protest. anger and protests go together like police action and riots.
if you believe that a protest has to become violent to force action you're a part of the problem and need to(you guessed it) get your shit together.
easier to dismiss me as a troll than to realize how hypocritical you're being. people protesting real worldwide issues like genocide to stop their government from actively engaging in it are self centered and only care about themselves but Mr. Liberal is righteously mad about being inconvenienced
I think this one has a point. You see, what we should be doing is waiting patiently, loading Cybertrucks with a safe amount of fuel, rigging a dead man's switch to the detonator, and using a gun to commit suicide in front of Trump's Vegas casino. The Cybertrucks will contain the modest explosions so that Trump's windows will remain intact. Then we can ignore it like we ignore two school shootings per school day. No one rich got hurt. All good.
sounds like you need to read less books to garner some empathy from real people.
I have empathy for the protests. I understand it's difficult to force change when you can't apply pressure.
but I can empathize with the victims too. I've held a person while they died in their vehicle. they died because emergency services couldn't get there fast enough. because some shitbird took it upon themselves to throw broken glass and nails across the freeway.
has anyone here ever held someone while they begged for more time? I wouldn't normally recommend it, but from the repugnant comments on here it's clear that none of you have a single empathic cell in your body and it might actually do you some good.
go ahead, spew your hate and ignorance. it's only going to make more of them be more like the sticker on the window.
Some asshole protesters were blocking the highway here in Seattle at one point and prevented me from getting to a vet appointment for my puppy with cancer.