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An old comic still relevant
  • Most people cannot afford it and we'd have to bulldoze tons of space to accommodate the parking.

    However for those who enjoy racing as a hobby, I 100% agree that it's best to go to a track instead of endangering those around you and causing noise pollution.

  • Owning a Car Is Less Important To Younger Generations.
  • Mobility is just as important for young people. The difference is that cars are much less affordable for young people who are choosing better alternatives such as transit and bikes.

  • Owning a Car Is Less Important To Younger Generations.
  • The average new vehicle is $66,422 CAD and the average for a used vehicle is $37,662, as per A new vehicle is nearly the same as an entire year's salary of an average Canadian according to statscan and that doesn't account for the total cost of ownership.

  • [article] Ford government to table legislation to restrict bike lanes on city streets |
  • Narrowing and traffic calming urban roads to where cars cannot pass cyclists would be a very difficult battle in Ontario where full sized fire engines respond to every call including for paramedics, demanding wide roads. Traffic calming has been fought tooth and nail by HOAs and many of the urban roads are stroads which cannot legally be traffic calmed with a 70km+ speed limit.

    Sharing traffic between cyclists and motorists has been absolutely deadly and most people will not even attempt to ride a bicycle unless they hahe dedicated infrastructure in Ontario which Ford is trying to make illegal. Even if you follow your proposed vehicular cycling, the proposed legislation makes that more difficult too.

  • Density saves nature
  • IMO this is a universal problem. I've had neighbours in a single family house that choose to mow their lawn at 7am on a Saturday and have a very loud pickup truck that I can hear start up any time they drive it.

  • Density saves nature
  • It's possible to own a condo apartment, or if the building is structured as a co-op, then rent is permanently affordable and you have a stake in how the building is run.

    More here:

  • Density saves nature
  • Gentle density is awesome too! Rowhouses, duplexes, low-rises: all great options for cities that are zoned to only allow single family housing.

  • NHL star Johnny Gaudreau, brother killed after being struck by accused drunk driver in N.J. NHL star Johnny Gaudreau, brother killed after being struck by accused drunk driver in N.J.

    Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew were riding bicycles Thursday in Salem County when they were hit.

    NHL star Johnny Gaudreau, brother killed after being struck by accused drunk driver in N.J.

    Absolute tragedy. It's sad that these unsafe passes and aggressive driving are common and normalized among sober drivers. Every 10mph increased speed driven doubles pedestrian mortality rates. source. Unsafe driving kills

    This map shows what your city's climate will feel like in 60 years

    This map helps answer the question โ€˜what will my cityโ€™s climate feel like in 60 years?โ€™. By selecting your city of interest this OSM-based map will show you what current location has the most similar climate to that forecast for 2080.
