I hate how true this is.
I hate how true this is.
I hate how true this is.
Sorry, are you saying the value of gold doesn't fluctuate? Since when?
The value of gold fluctuates but in a limited capacity and the biggest driver of that fluctuation is the overprinting of currency. Even during the gold rush the price of gold held constant.
Gold has always been valued because of its properties and the applications it has in industry, chemistry and technological innovation
Forget gold to dollar for a moment, but think gold to groceries. In 1985 an ounce of gold would be good for maybe 5 typical trips to the grocery store. Today it'd be about 12-15.
The concept of objective, absolute value is generally flawed, but especially gold is pretty distant from even a vague attempt at it.
Now compare that graph to a graph of the circulating us money supply.
Your reading comprehension isnt too good is it?
Also if we found a large amount of gold the price would go down, but by all accounts the price of gold has increased 7500% in the last 53 years
You see that first spike right at 1980, what happened from 1979 to 1981? The us mint ramped up money printing and by 1981 the usa had printed its first one trillion dollars into circulation and now we print one trillion every 3-4 months. Thanks for proving my point with data though.
Insulting me doesn't change the fact that you claimed it is limited when it clearly isn't.
by all accounts the price of gold has increased 7500% in the last 53 years
See? Not limited.
I was saying its fluctuation based on supply and demand changes is limited. That 7500% is primarily If not all driven by money printing madness and the subsequent increase in circulating currency supply. Nine of it was because the demand for gold increased or we figured out new technological chemical or industrial applications for gold.
Now do you get what i meant by that?
Sure. Please provide some evidence.
Note: a YouTube video or telling me to read an entire book is not credible evidence.
Expecting someone to read an entire book to see what your argument is would not be credible, no. And yet I've gotten that from people like yourself more than once.
Its a fact when you increase the amount of circulating currency it weakens the currency value and the price of gold increases.
Cool, then you can provide evidence for it and also evidence that the increase is caused solely by that factor. Go for it.
For example, this is evidence that you're wrong: https://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/2024/06/05/gold-and-inflation-an-unstable-relationship/