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The first Presidential debate of 2024 will be held today...
  • Imagine if this was a action movie and these were the protagonists.

    So I'm right there with you lamenting that we ended up with these two as the only likely choices, but I don't know if I would want "action movie protagonist" as the metric for what would make a "good" president.

  • Thanks, Apple
  • I'm guessing they have a job like mine, where a driving trip is a relatively rare occurrence and micromanaging the travel isn't worth it to mitigate the risk of paying out a little more.

  • If only it was that easy
  • Indeed, but some "security" guys frown deeply about the private key ever leaving a specific hardware device, because the second it can be backed up they freak out that it could, theoretically, be stolen. It's hardly a practical concern, but there's a lot of security people that don't care about practical considerations.

  • If only it was that easy
  • While true, other scenarios do come into play, like "I'm using a FIDO key but I dropped it down a storm drain". Meaning you pretty much have to provide some recovery mechanism, since you can't really require the user to have a backup device.

  • If only it was that easy
  • Basically, you have:

    • TOTP - no particular investment needed, so very popular, but a bit onerous
    • Various MFA vendors that tie into their cloud services. I hate these since it means I generally have to get additional apps, with uneven platform support
    • Webauthn/Passkey - Cool, integration with my phone, a Fido usb key, windows hello if applicable, no need for external service, uses asymmetric encryption so it's not shared secret and it's more convenient.... Almost no one bothers to implement it for their service though, despite it being pretty damn easy.
  • If only it was that easy
  • Yes, shared secret based, but not a big deal because it is machine generated and unique per account. The 'server has your credential' is only a problem if the credential is reused across services. If you have access to read TOTP secrets from the server, you probably don't need those TOTP secrets to further compromise the service.

    But webauthn/passkey is a better approach. Properly managed SSH keys are good too, but folks aren't too happy about how ssh keys are commonly pretty lax. Client certificates similarly would have worked, but never took off. Similar story for smartcards.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Though the rooftop solar isn't optimal from an efficacy standpoint, it has other selling points. You have residential solar and a battery? Congratulations, you don't have to worry so much about power outages. This is particularly a selling point for rural living, where outages happen more often and last longer.

    The abstract "it's greener" is a less potent sales pitch than "your fridge, heating, and a/c can still work even if the grid is gone".

  • New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
  • It's a matter of scale, that physical activity moves energy usage maybe 10 to 15 % during the exercise compared to sitting still. However, there's a lot of reasons to exercise for the sake of your pancreas and heart.

    Besides, 84% of weight lost is by breathing it out, so not technically the bathroom.

  • New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
  • While true, exercise is very important. For example if you are sedentary then that visceral fat screwing up your pancreas is extra risky because you also build up insulin resistance.

    Even if they don't lose that much weight, it at least mitigates some of the risks increased by being overweight.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with orange powder paint by Just Stop Oil activists
  • the stuff you're asking for doesn't work that well, but this does

    I didn't think that this works. The examples where people claim "is just like this" I don't see as being like this.

    The ones that work are ones that have some relation to their cause. Forcing everyone to really think about an issue Inherent to the act. For example, going about and doing this to parked private jets, which they did.

    Just doing anything to get attention isn't useful if there's no Inherent message in the act itself. Especially with climate where everyone already has awareness, just not action.

    Being merely loud is not going to sway hearts and minds in your favor.

  • GenAI more buzz than biz as tech barely dents jobs
  • That's been my experience so far, that it's largely useless for knowledge based stuff.

    In programming, you can have it take "pseducode" and have it output actionable code for more tedious languages, but you have to audit it. Ultimately I find traditional autocompletion just as useful.

    I definitely see how it helps cheat on homework, and extends "stock photography" to the point of really limiting the market for me photography or artists for bland business assets though.

    I see how people find it useful for their "professional" communications, but I hate it because people that used to be nice and to the point are staying to explode their communication into a big LLM mess.

  • GenAI more buzz than biz as tech barely dents jobs
  • It's interesting, when you ask a LLM something that it doesn't know, it will tend to just spew out words that sound like they make sense, but are wrong.

    So it's much more useful to have a human that will admit that they don't have a response for it. Or the human acts like the LLM spewing stupid stuff that sounds right and gets promoted instead.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • So much the better, as far as those executives are concerned.

    Let's say you want to cut costs and you know you have momentum and a long lag where your total incompetence won't make a difference to business results in the short term, so cut costs by getting rid of the top talent.

    Now if they outright just fire every good person, well that looks obviously stupid, but if those good people just... up and quit... well they are hardly to blame, and don't have to pay out those massive severances. You get your annual bonus which is big, and your big restricted stock payday might be delayed two years, but they know, realistically, they can probably coast a good 3 or 4 years before the game is up. Or if you have a supremely strong 'business brand', you might be able to coast indefinitely as the big shots will never believe that brand isn't good anymore.

  • Trump Says Foreigners Who Graduate From US Colleges Should Get Green Cards
  • We have a young person here on student visa and he's struggling to get a more persistent arrangement and thinks he may have to move back next year when his visa is done. He's hoping for an h1b, but that's a lottery... If there's something he's missing, it'd be good to know.

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