Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests
Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests

Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests
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Nice rewiriting of history, as the core of covid happened under trump.
Did the core of the government secretly making backdoor censorship requests to Facebook happen under trump?
Not rewriting history at all. Biden team screamed and cursed at the facebook people who didn't agree with the gov's takedown requests. Because democrats are big fans of censorship.
Did he provide any evidence of this? I can't find anything other than him just saying so. The court even found the republican case against this had provided no good evidence.
Can you link me to something other than "media oligarch says previous administration bad as new administration, who has leveled public threats against the media, prepares to take office."
Well, considering he’s a CEO saying this while overseeing a staff of thousands, it would be pretty ridiculous for him to lie. Other staff members have backed him up too.
I’m pretty sure lying about something like this could get him in serious trouble, so yes, I believe he has plenty of evidence.
And honestly, I think he’s telling the truth. That said, Facebook is a mess, and I’m no fan of Zuckerberg.
But dude, I think he’s being honest. If you don’t want to accept it, that’s fine. That’s your right.
You can go ahead and believe the oligarch without evidence. Also, he can say these things without getting into actual trouble. Making a case against him over these statements, towards public figures, would be next to impossible. I have no doubt the biden admin pushed for more control over things like covid information. However, this is very conveniently timed to discard the previous admin, and kiss the ring of the incoming one, you know, the one that has been openly threatening people like Zuck.
I need more than the word of a corrupt megacorp billionaire.
You can go ahead and believe the oligarch without evidence.
Thanks. I will. And YOU can go ahead and belive the Democratic Oligarch without evidence.
kiss the ring of the incoming one
Of course he's doing that. He kisses the ass of whoever's in charge. I think he's an obnoxious little prick. But I also think the Biden admin 100 percent tried to censor things.
I also think that many Lemmy admins and mods tried to censor things. And the media. It's all bullshit, regardless of the political side you're on.
Thanks. I will. And YOU can go ahead and belive the Democratic Oligarch without evidence.
Difference is, I am not believing the Biden admin. Zuck made the claim something happened, Zuck has to provide proof that thing happened. This is the burden of proof. So you are believing a claim without evidence, I am holding judgement until I get some. The fact that you do not understand this calls your critical thinking skills, at least on this subject, into question.
It's a fucking interview for an article. There is no "burden of proof." It's not a court case. lmao
The fact that you do not understand this calls your critical thinking skills, at least on this subject, into question.
"I believe what this guys claims"
"I need some proof to believe him personally"
"You need proof to believe a claim? This isn't as court of law. Your critical thinking skills suck if you don't understand this is just a baseless accusation I want to believe."
Dude, it's a news article. Not a court disposition. Calm your tits.
I belive him. You don't. It's ok to have a different opinion. Thanks!
As he was just called out by fact checking orgs about lying about fact checking I'd rather wait for proof than trust him.
Cool. I think he's telling the truth about the Biden administration though. :)
Loool look at this conservative believing a CEO. His argument "It would be pretty ridiculous for him to lie"
How do you wanna proceed here? Lmfao. Bro you're cooked
I'm not a conservative though. I didn't vote for Trump.
I'm not "cooked" at all. I can do whatever I want. Post whatever I want. Wherever I want.
Hope you like our new president.
Thanks, friend!
I don't care how you identify you're a fraud and you're cooked kiddo
I'm not cooked at all. And how am I fraud?
Are you ok? You seem riled up.
Thanks, friend! :)
cringe 2008 "u mad bro"
eat piss and cry propaganda loser lmfao nobody is buying it look at the comments
Ooh new propaganda sub
"Every fact I don't like is propaganda"
Yep, that's exactly what the poster sounded like. lol Anytime Lemmy reads about something they don't like, they like to call it propaganda. It's crazy.
Most of your posts have a theme and motive. I find it hard to believe that you disagree with everything you post, so you are basically trying to convince others of your own views.
By definition, you are a propagandist and a particularly stupid one at times.
Most of your posts have a theme and motive.
Oh? And what are those? I never said I disagree with everything I post. I never said I agree with everything I post. I do post things that I find interesting though.
you are a propagandist and a particularly stupid one at times.
Actually I'm a socialist. I didn't vote for Harris OR Trump. Nice that you resorted to insults, even tho I've said nothing about you or your opinions.
It's not propaganda just because you don't like it.
If you don't like what I post, feel free to block me and/or block this community. Or hey, feel free to start your own community and post whatever you want to.
Thanks, friend! :)
_ propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view._
I didn’t write the article—it’s widely published across major news sites. I shared it here because I thought it was interesting.
Calling it 'propaganda' just for sharing it is like accusing someone of spreading propaganda for bringing up a news story at work.
Sharing doesn’t equal creating it, publishing it, or having a political goal by discussing it.
But hey, you don't agree with the article, so it MUST be "propaganda," right?!
Feel free to block me and/or this community if you don't like what I post. Or better yet, post your own articles or create your own community.
Lemmy thrives on celebrating diversity of opinion. Thanks! :)
Again, you missed the definition of propaganda completely. I don't agree or disagree with the post and haven't even read it, TBH. Your posts have a fairly strong bias so it's not hard to determine what the articles are going to be like.
I should also point out that you said you are just sharing articles you find interesting and then knock Lemmy on diversity of opinion. So, it seems your point is that your article posts are a reflection of your own opinions. Totally cool.
You just need to realize that this is the dictionary definition of propaganda, especially when it's political in nature. (Maintaining a news community without bias is exceedingly difficult, btw.)
If you can agree that your political posts are made with the intent of sharing your opinion and influencing others opinion, then you must also agree most of your political content is also propaganda. It doesn't matter if the article was "wildly shared". That is actually irrelevant.
I should also point out that you said you are just sharing articles you find interesting and then knock Lemmy on diversity of opinion.
Actually I don't knock lemmy on diversity of opinion. I actually celebrate it and agree with Lemmy. Many people have tried to silence me on Lemmy just because of the article I post. So the only reason I am here is because of diversity of opinion.
If you can agree that your political posts are made with the intent of sharing your opinion and influencing others opinion
They are not. I share what I find interesting. I have no sway or interest to influence anyone or anything. It's up to individuals to read, or ignore, or whatever. I also don't just post political articles.
And besides, trust me, as much a people dislike me, there would be no influence to be had anyway! lol Thanks!
It's not propaganda just because you don't like it, friend. Thanks!
It's not real cause you like it. Lying ass mfer
It's not fake cause you don't like it. Lying ass mfer
It's absolutely fake you dumb little toad lmfao
It's absolutely not fake. Thanks, friend! :)