Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests
Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests

Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests
Nice rewiriting of history, as the core of covid happened under trump.
Did the core of the government secretly making backdoor censorship requests to Facebook happen under trump?
Not rewriting history at all. Biden team screamed and cursed at the facebook people who didn't agree with the gov's takedown requests. Because democrats are big fans of censorship.
Did he provide any evidence of this? I can't find anything other than him just saying so. The court even found the republican case against this had provided no good evidence.
Can you link me to something other than "media oligarch says previous administration bad as new administration, who has leveled public threats against the media, prepares to take office."
Ah yes, COVID-19, where the number comes from the year it was discovered, which was clearly after Biden took office in 2021
Yeah, I'm not sure of the timing that Zucker is talking about.