Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests
Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests

Zuckerberg says Biden officials would ‘scream,’ ‘curse’ at Meta team over COVID takedown requests
If you just want have your opinion, and not have people questioning it, all you have to do is not make it public.
You can question it all you want. I posted because I thought it was interesting. I don't have to defend why I posted it tho. Thanks!
I don’t have to defend why I posted it tho. Thanks!
You don't, yet here we are
Yeah, we are here.
Because you can't let it go and you keep waiting for me to give you a different answer--which I won't do.
Thanks, friend! :)
you keep waiting for me to give you a different answer
I haven't the slightest hope I will change anyone's opinion. In fact, there is evidence that things like contradictory evidence are more than likely to just make people doubly down. I am here because you felt the desire to post your opinion online, and I felt like I wanted to post my opinion about that, and now, here we are, with you claiming you don't have to defend your post, but still giving me things to post my opinion about.
I haven’t the slightest hope I will change anyone’s opinion.
Good, because you're not!
I am here because you felt the desire to post your opinion online, and I felt like I wanted to post my opinion about that, and now, here we are, with you claiming you don’t have to defend your post, but still giving me things to post my opinion about.
And you are totally free to do that. And I'm still not going to change my opinion, as you know. Thanks! :)
And I am still gonna demand proof of the claims of people in power. Zuck talking to some news outlet is not the same as me, at a house party, talking shit. Things he says, especially about the very important thing he has disproportionate influence over, has consequence.
And the news will keep uncovering all the bullshit the Biden admin did, and I'm here for it. Thank you! :)
Hopefully they will, however this is not that. Until proof is provided this is just puff to gain engagement via outrage.