How many days until the new American propaganda line becomes "all of these Chinese posters have to say these things to propagandize America" as if every single thing that happens on the planet is for Americans
T-Minus what 15 minutes maybe? They're just going to say these are Xi-Bots paid to make China look good. Your average anglo is too comfortable in their bubble of fart lies about CHYNA
I will say this does prove the US government line that Americans using Chinese apps is bad for national security. Hard to keep your population blinded by ridiculous propaganda when they can just see for themselves it's not true. So that's kind of ironic and funny.
They've been saying this about the DPRK for decades at this point. There are """ghost cities"""" where the buildings are fake and people pretend to live/work there and they all lie about it online even though nobody has internet or actual homes and th--