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Saw a car with an upside-down pineapple decal
  • Oh

    This explains why all those people at the grocery store were giving me those looks

  • Okay which one of you is this
  • I would give them to you if i could

  • Okay which one of you is this
  • I don't need a corset, my waist is already fairly trim and I have child-bearing hips

  • Okay which one of you is this
  • Not me, I'm more of a cloak wearer

  • mask off I guess
  • Well, now I know where to start my one-man guerilla campaign of terror

    Gonna go dumpsack their HQ

  • John Carpenter Has Diacovered Letterbox!
  • Don't forget the weed smoking

  • anti onion action
  • Here I was, thinking this was gonna be someone who was tired of The Onion

    Meanwhile, yeah, I'm sweating some shallots for French Onion dip

    They're a nice allium!

  • Badly aged
  • Her entire blog was just a mix of Moo Deng posts and how important it is to vote

    It's funny in a sad kind of way

  • Badly aged
  • Tumblr is dead

    Long live Tumblr

  • Badly aged
  • Here you go

    And as an amuse-bouche

  • Badly aged
  • They're getting roasted mercilessly now lol

  • Romance of the three Kingdoms posting
  • The real question is whether Moo Deng can withstand the wrath of Lu Bu

  • If Star Trek transporters were real, would you step into one?
  • As long as I could be assured that it didn't have one of those Pattern Scrambler things on it

    Don't want to be turned into a pile of randomly assorted meat and bones

  • The state of the discourse 2024
  • Perhaps Sean Görman is a doctor of professional wrestling and verifies the thesis

  • The war is going badly. Ukraine and its allies must change course
  • The war is going badly

    Let's make it worse! porky-happy

  • The 1900's Were Barbarous Times

    Thank goodness we live in a time where we know how to treat our owls


    The guy with the Cybertruck in the rich town next to mine is selling it

    A month to the day when I saw him driving it and pointed and laughed at him


    I think not


    It's me, Flakes Bongler, the secret mastermind behind HexBear

    In celebration of Valentine's Day, everyone who has found true love can go home early today!

    Need some help with a VPN

    So, my partner finally decided to get with on the trolley and start getting shit for free

    Problem is, I've been out of the sailing game for a while, so I don't know what's good anymore and I figure y'all probably know what's gonna work best for us anyway

    I'm sort of tech savvy, but anything on the less finicky side would probably be best

    Thanks in advance, -Love, Flakes

    Transcript of an Encounter Outside the Grocery Store

    !grillman: Hey, you can take off your mask, get some fresh air!

    !soviet-chad : Lick my ass


    FlakesBongler FlakesBongler [they/them]

    Midwestern Oaf

    Shy, but willing to talk if approached

    Posts 17
    Comments 3.5K