Look ,personally I want this to be perfect ,to include every single detail not mentioned about the DPRK in the west ,also no I’m not gonna tell you how I have contact with a DPRK diplomat ,please ask sincere questions and remember this is a DPRK diplomat, not a citizen so there is stuff that they can’t answer and stuff that they aren’t allowed to answer
If my friend from the DPRK replies ,I will update you but this is for someone else ,I’ve acquired a lot of important info on the DPRK that I want to share with all of you and this is so that it could be perfect ,please ask good questions
Do you know much about transgender or LGBT issues?
Are there any transgender or LGBT organizations that we can write to in the DPRK? There are a lot of LGBT communists that would be very excited for this opportunity! (myself and much of hexbear included!)
On the HexeBear account thing, they told me that they will talk to their superiors to see if they can
There approach to communication is surprisingly open ,though they did tell me that they prefer spaces that have people that don’t support them because communists already know the truth about the DPRK ,they are not interested in support from people who already support them
That been said they still said they will tell their superiors at work