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The gamers are so far gone they will have to be put down
  • Tetris will be the only legal video game alongside Disco Elysium once I establish the Democratic Socialist Republic of Palestine

  • title
    2017 #resistance lib starter pack
  • glorifying the American founders, Alexander Hamilton in particular. And it's even more bizarre because most of the hist


  • 2017 #resistance lib starter pack
  • Wtf is Hamilton and why is it liberal ,I gotta admit it sounds so fucking white

  • Gamers.
  • Hahaha

    My dad is 45 years old so he’s pretty young

  • Gamers.
  • What’s wrong with my comment 😭

  • Gamers.
  • I remember my dad playing the first game which takes place in Al Quds

    Ezio trilogy and Black Flag are way more fun to play but I really like the setting of the 1st one

  • how could this be happening to me?
  • my theory is that God is an ancap

  • The Post to End all Posts
  • Well that was useful

    Thank you for this information

  • Weekly Israel BS ,an IDF sniper on the rooftop of our neighbor's house

    This happened almost a week ago but I didn't get the chance to post because our university's internet service doesn't allow me to go to HexeBear since it's under "other adult material" ,anyways that day there were multiple IDF snipers on different buildings in عصيرة ,some school students and their teacher got arrested for no reason,also the IDF went to a bakery in ramallah and beat up everyone there ,also also they killed people in Jenin ,jenin has given them trouble the past few years ,btw this is not anything new when Israel makes a fuck up ,the IDF starts doing this and decides to take their anger on normal people ,yk what's the worst thing about my whole post ,It IS NOT RARE ,shit like this happens weekly !mondays

    Is it Ok to make an alt account or no

    Just this ,I am asking cause I feel like I wanna keep an alt account just in case ,but I’m not sure if it’s allowed

    I am a Palestinian from The West Bank and I am a Communist

    Hello as you’ve read from the title I’m a Palestinian who lives currently in the occupied territories of Palestine known as the West Bank ,my friend is a moderator here and he told me I should make a post introducing myself ,I once looked up “for Reddit but for leftists” and this is the site that I found ,anyways I personally love reading Manga ,Books,and Playing Chess

    I am a Marxist Leninist ,can you believe the username Mohammed is not taken ? ,my friend told me that this space was too “white” but I didn’t think he was that right

    Anyways Nice to meet you all

    MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]

    I’m a Palestinian and I live in the West Bank ,I’m a communist (we exist fr 🥹)

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