GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100
GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100

Allegedly, studios "hope" Rockstar will raise the price of its upcoming title to set a precedent.

GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100
Allegedly, studios "hope" Rockstar will raise the price of its upcoming title to set a precedent.
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I'm loving the balls on studios. Yesterday we had "experts" suggesting it might cost 100 bux, and today it's already the beggining of a trend. And the game isn't even out. In fact, we only have the trailer for the game and they're already predicting prices.
My prediction is yes, they'll ask 100$ and more, and yes, people will pay it.
But the nerve, I swear. "Yeah, our games have gotten sloppier every year. And yes, we fired tens of thousands solely for profit reasons. But line must go up, so you better start paying"
Do you really think people will buy it? I've played most of the GTAs, but I'm not about to spend 100 dollars on a video game.
You're clearly not the target audience. Every slightly popular game has its whales. Something as popular as GTA? They'll sell it at $100 and laugh all the way to the bank.
Something to consider. With conversion, new games are usually $80-$100 in Canada.
People still buy them.
Meaning this game will be MORE THAN $100 Canadian and still sell like hotcakes.
Yeah but they don't cost $100
Not yet, might follow after this stunt faces no lash back and results in profits.
I don't know though you've got to consider your target audience and their income method. The income method for the target audience of pokemon games is asking their parents.
There's enough people in what I assume to be big gaming communities, like active and paying and stuff, that are defending this, citing that other stuff got more expensive, too... and somehow not many agree that incomes have not risen proportionally. Them temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Somehow I think that most people defending this kind of crap are too young to actually have a first-hand feeling of how much prices for everything have risen.
My prediction is yes, they’ll ask 100$ and more, and yes, people will pay it.
Well the game could be disastrous and sell poorly after the first week.
To be honest, they could launch the game as a 1 MB file that brings you to a black screen that says get fucked, and they would still make their money's worth just out of the people who will blindly buy the game because they've been waiting for GTA 6 for so long that they bought it release day.
And then they could just move back to GTA V pretending nothing happened because the same people that would have impulse purchased GTA 6 with zero research are also the people who play GTA V religiously spending money on the micro transactions there and that isn't going to cut their addiction
Honestly this could all be a campaign from Rockstar to get ahead of higher pricing. They throw out $100 to some random people and let them run with it, so when they announce a $80/$90 price tag everyone bregurdingly goes along with it.
That's what I'm thinking. Get the fanbase used to seeing 100+, and then suddenly an 80$ game will feel like a bargain lol
I honestly believe it, these test the water kind of leaks, more like intentionally invisible marketing to see the reactions
I think rumours about the price tag were already going before the trailer even came out lol.