What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
It's always the same bullshit. If they are handling covid well "they're lying about their numbers". If they report high numbers it's "evidence they're incompetent."
What reason do I have to mistrust their numbers? They're not the ones having lied to me for decades.
And it's not like the US wasn't lying about its own numbers
Why would I trust the US to be honest about theirs? Why would I trust the US media in their claims about North Korea lying about its numbers?
The US had several whistleblowers like Rebekah Jones getting arrested/abused/harrased for their reporting on the state of the US obfuscating data.
The american media has been shown to lie time and again, especially when it comes to foreign matters - Most famously about Iraq. What reason do I have to trust it?
The United States has the largest prisoner population in the world and has a history of persecuting minorites and political dissidents like leaders of black lives matter. These dissidents are dissapeared at secret police blacksites where they are tortured. This prisoner population is used as slave labour, which is still legal.
Why would I trust the lies peddled by this authoritarian regime about a country whose population they relentlessly bombed until they'd murdered 20% of it.
...as opposed to?
This is your point? A snide one-sentence comment completely failing to engage with any bit of the argument? Do better. Interrogate why this is your reaction to being challenged
Those three words sum up every response I have for each point.
I wish I could go thru life line you, smooth-brained, unthinking, uncaring, perfectly safe in the belief that I am a special little boy. Sadly I have been cursed with the bane of Thought, and so I must interrogate my beliefs when I encounter that which conflicts with them.
I guess that's what makes me not a lib
“You must be a critical thinker.” ~ someone who then moons his opponent with a pig’s butt in graphic detail
I asked a simple question not anticipating they would be taken as ungenuine, I apologize if those three words offended you.
Yeah because you totally deserve to be taken seriously, when your response is some snide little smuglord gotcha. You get what you give
Is it answerable though? Because “snide” was not what I was going for.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.