Some words should just not be used in certain contexts. Even if no one who would be offended by the usage of these words hears or reads them, they become more accepted and tolerated among those who are confronted with them. That makes them more likely to use these words in places where people are hurt by them.
Woke originally means being aware of the systemic racism against the Black minority in the american society during the Jim Crow era. So nothing bad about being woke.
I wasn't aware that their ban system is so broken. In that case, I agree.
I don't think that corporations are pushing that "agenda", or to be more precise, are the major force that pushes these societal changes. Why would they? They want money, profit. That's their main goal. Following this trend is only viable if it gives them more money, and that is only possible if a majority of oeople are already for this changes. Or don't care.