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FCC explicitly prohibits fast lanes, closing possible net neutrality loophole
  • That is interesting. That Windstream came to town about 15 years ago, buying the local phone company and almost instantly made the service worse. I did not know they went bankrupt, but it doesn't surprise me.

  • Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining
  • The same thing happened with Windows 7 and XP. People will still with EOL 10 until their current machine dies. A few people might choose to explore other options, but for the average Joe not getting updates seems like a good thing, because the computer will stop rebooting over night or taking several mintss to boot post patch. Of course they don't think about the security implications, but that is true about most people in most cases.

  • Maybe hot take: as a handheld, the regular switch is an awful handheld
  • I agree. The hardware was out of date before it was released. The controls were poorly placed to make the joycon gimmick work. It was designed for little kids hands and didn't offer a solution for adults. The steamdeck really highlighted all these problems by doing it better day one. But for the target demo of the switch, very little of that mattered, and it was a great success. I just hope the Switch 2 learns from these mistakes and doesn't repeat them.

  • How it feels
  • As someone who mostly does 3D stuff, I agree. Although he was correct that a lot transfers, I struggle with rotation every single time, and the lack of video content to walk through it is annoying. I've read the Godot manual page on it probably 20 times and I feel like I'm no closer to really understanding it. I trail and error it until it behaves the way I expect.

  • How it feels
  • It is completely fair to say that Unity and UE have tools that Godot doesn't have, especially wen it comes to open world games that need special consideration. The comments I was commenting on weren't measure statements about other engines being better than Godot for specific use cases, they were just general hate aimed at Godot for daring to step on Unity's turf.

  • How it feels
  • Some people are really tied to Unity. If you dig into the comments of the YouTube video, you can find people trying to claim Godot isn't a real engine, or is otherwise not good to use. Some people have turned game dev into a team sport in their mind.

  • Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days
  • It can be done, but it makes a worse product. EVs are built to fit batteries and motors in the most optimal place. Likewise with ICE cars with engines and transmissions. What you end up doing is shoving batteries in the engine compartment which is shaped wrong and you significantly change the balance of the car. You leave much of the expensive parts of the ICE car, while adding more expensive parts. It just doesn't work well in practice. If you are going to spend time engineering, it is better to engineer a proper EV than try to shoehorn an EV into a size 6.

  • TIL about exploding head syndrome, which causes patients to hear a loud, frightening noise when falling asleep or waking up. Up to 10% of people may have it, but cases often go undiagnosed
  • Like most people, it changes. For me it is like someone took the volume knob on the world and maxed it out for half a second. Just a blip of every sound in the room suddenly being set to 11. Sometimes it is like someone yelling in my ear, but just a grunt or a scream like they fell over.

  • Former Microsoft developer says Windows 11's performance is "comically bad," even with monster PC
  • An FYI for Windows users, check out Everything for searching your harddrive. It is insanely fast. Like, search your entire harddrive in real time as you press the letters fast. Compared to the crap Windows has built in, it feels like magic, until you realize that searching a database at fast speeds has been a solved problem for decades and yet Microsoft still continues to struggle because they want to throw in every possible piece of metadata and contents every time you search when most people just want to type a name in.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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