The most important thing is DE, then package manager.
Contrary to all basement cultists' claims, GNOME is the benchmark for DEs and has the best UX and workflow across all OSes. GNOME with its extensions is the reason I no longer find Windows to be as efficient, even though Windows can be pretty solid, and even though I have been a Windows user all my life, until 6 years ago when I hopped to Linux.
Flatpak and Snap are revolutionary compared to Windows' method of installing software.
Linux is NOT Windows. You can use cross platform programs, but STOP trying to make Linux a shoe in replacement. Learn and adapt a little bit.
I mean really if you don't like your current DE, you can always just switch within your own distro. For example, you can switch from cinnamon to gnome for mint.
I like gnome but it doesn't support variable refresh rate (freesync). But I've made KDE look quite nice and works ok. It bring Linux there is almost always an option for your needs