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Is Privacy Worth It?
  • Poor is a strong word. It is not about being poor, but rather the inability for corporates to have a lack of the same constraints that FOSS zealots have. Money is just one of the key constraints.

    Harmful network effect is not mere marketing, but propaganda aimed to make people deploy surveillance tools on themselves.

  • Is Privacy Worth It?
  • I will take the liberty of quoting a portion of my computing guide :


    There are a lot of pretend experts these days. Some do it in the name of security, some do it on YouTube, some do it for drumming up hype purposes. Everything has a pretend expert these days, but I will restrict myself to the computing domain.

    In the case of security, there are many people that ignore privacy and anonymity implications, telemetry implications, and act apologetic for corporate closed source software. This is generally done for Western Big Tech, especialy Google, Apple, Microsoft and so on. Most of them are generally either hopeless people, employed on behalf of companies for marketing, or secretly have shareholder stakes with these public companies. RUN FROM THEM! Run as far as you can. These people never have your security interests as a priority.

    There are a lot of technology YouTube channels that try to capitalise and bank off of prominent and big software, and “recommend” it to people by reading the marketing sheet or website pages. Usually, they lack substance or are going to make a 2147483647th video about a topic, rinse and repeat. Unless something is FLOSS, if something comes from the corporate lovers, take it with a bag of salt, not just a grain.

    It is not just corporate lovers, though, that have cults. There are some projects that are FLOSS but have toxic or propagandistic cults behind them. One of them has some wonderful recent examples, related to FlorisBoard or Bromite (Chromium-based web browser). One of them is largely known for scammy crypto currency and creating a harmful network effect by giving sponsorships to tech YouTube channels.

  • Is Privacy Worth It?

    A few app recommendations are outdated, rest is fine. Also for HOSTS ruleset, Hagezi provides great stuff on Github. Energized is dead.

  • Is Privacy Worth It?

    A few app recommendations are outdated, rest is fine. Also for HOSTS ruleset, Hagezi provides great stuff on Github. Energized is dead.

  • When Online Content Disappears
  • Glad to know we could purge our existence back in the day from this corporation infested web2/3 dystopia. It is no longer possible, because corporations, AI and scrapers are thirsty to scrape any data without consequences. I would rather not exist on such a disgusting internet.

  • Is Privacy Worth It?
  • It is funny these YouTubers are only capable of this much knowledge. They do not understand democratisation is the most important and fastest way for masses to attain anything. This is precisely why my non root smartphone guide allows any Android phone and minimal user knowledge to achieve privacy and security, unlike some cults that ask you first buy specific phone, worship specific people, ask no questions and believe in whatever they do.

  • iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes
  • But a lot of the photos deleted are either badly clicked photos or NSFW stuff, so it is fair. This is the same company that kept chest thumping about security, when the fappening happened, and only in recent years did they tell they always had unencrypted iCloud.

  • iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes
  • Edit the post title to article title, without editorialising it yourself, within the next 2 hours. Else post will be deleted.

    OP has listened.

  • Why I’m Joining Mozilla as Executive Director  | The Mozilla Blog
  • Did you read the article?

    With this change, we are seeking a new Executive Director to lead the Foundation’s movement-building programs. Currently, the Foundation has two core programs:

    Global Programs funds, convenes, and synthesizes the movement to increase the diversity, cohesion and impact of people working on internet health issues globally. The team has conducted research on AI transparency best practices; given grants

    Over the past few years, Mozilla’s leadership — including CEO and Chairwoman Mitchell Baker and President and Executive Director Mark Surman — have been working to expand the scope of this work. Surman has been focused both on pointing to the Foundation’s movement-building programs at the challenge of creating trustworthy AI and on expanding the Mozilla portfolio to include a new venture capital arm and a commercial AI R+D lab.

    Former executive director was the one aiming to create AI, and new executive director is filling the role now. So, it is the same circus clowns doing the show.

  • Why I’m Joining Mozilla as Executive Director  | The Mozilla Blog
  • So the AI is not going to be a thing in Firefox, right?

  • Why I’m Joining Mozilla as Executive Director  | The Mozilla Blog
  • Mitchell Baker, Laura Chambers, Nabila Syed... Well it seems women are no better than men as far as capitalist greed goes. It is clear they want to steal the money of developers who want to build Firefox and other tools in better ways, instead of doing this AI and buzzword marketing bullshit and killing Firefox. They even had to layoff some security developers in the past few years just so that these CEO pigs could fill their tummies with more money.

    Instead of the anti-trans agenda Brendan Eich, we get this other opposite agenda in place with money grubbing CEOs. Using leftist politics to cloak themselves is fucking disgusting. But since they are women, they will be immune to any criticisms.

  • Android's new anti-theft features
  • Set it to 1, her anger might be enough to keep locking it :p

    Jokes aside, gauge it properly to avoid accidental locks, as using the PIN while in public can cause security issues against shoulder peeking toms. Glad that it was of help. It works well, enjoy using it. BTW did you note that from my guide?

  • Android's new anti-theft features
  • Apple's features are a joke. What Google has is better, and what they are doing now is magnitudes better. It was already done 5 years ago on Android, though, by a FOSS app.

  • Android's new anti-theft features
  • To me, it sounds like it will just need accelerometer sensor to detect tracking. My non root smartphone guide has already advised for a couple years to deploy and configure the Private Lock app from F-Droid to prevent data access for phone snatchers. It is FOSS, does not require trusting Google and Just Works™.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Considering misandry tends to not leave men in SA'd


    REDACTED Mind you, the non-feminists and "conservatives" were the inclusive ones. How about that? Where were the feminists and social warriors to stop it?

    Oh, but men must keep their mouth shut, because anything we utter is misogyny, and things are one sided, and #AllMenBad and #BelieveAllWomen.

    Having this kind of position in society silently has allowed me to observe what the "empathetic" people really are and mean, when they selectively care about issues.

    Then where is your ministry towards those who are perpetrators, who have created the conditions you complain about?

    There is no ministry, and there will be no ministry, because we have not gotten past the point where men stopped being tribalists and women stopped being tribalists. All we know is apathy, individualism, revenge and "getting back at em". This is not born out of patriarchy, but is rather a primate instinct we as animals have. Well... there is a ministry, and there are laws, but all of them favour women over men. The internet and media trials will not be that ministry. Where this lawful ministry falters is the elites in hold of various positions from the court to ground zero, and let me tell you that it is not just men - women are the greatest enemies of women - an age old saying in India. They exist at ground zero, in homes, in society and in institutions. The elites do not solely consist of cis men.

    Things like male SA is well rewarded in this society as opposed to female SA and eve teasing. Men are supposed to solve women's problems, but not vice versa. Military conscription and requirements, deaths at risky jobs... oh sorry I am so misogynistic, I will shut up.

    I could go on and on, but I am pretty sure all this is just "misogyny" and I need to read certain theory and I need to surround myself with feminists who are thirsty to oppress men at all costs. It is unfortunate that I am not coming to a conclusion I once desired, one for cultural harmony without the need for men or anyone else to be subjugated. There is a sickening both sides vibe to this, as much as I hate it.

    If questioning all this is inceldom and redpill and whatever, then the left seriously needs to introspect and critique itself on the subject of cultural warfare. There will be no success without the ones holding other half of the sky. To hell with all the cis men, I guess.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • This kind of apathy towards men is horrible, and I try to coerce people so that someone considers listening to us wanting a balance. I am trying to understand why there is no inclusivity for men and their concerns among the left. These kinds of posts, and comments on a similar tangent are very common here, and the weird part is these stereotypes are not even applicable for leftist, liberal, centrist and most men out there. Even some conservatives are not like this. Only a specific portion of rightwingers behave like this. Mainstream social media already spews this kind of vitriol, yet it is also here, and plenty cis men are on Lemmy that see this regularly.

    We as men are not the baddies. And I am not even going to phrase it as a question, because it is a fact. Neither is it our fault, nor is it our doing.

    I have never seen a piece of content removed for misandry at all. NEVER. It is always about misogyny. Why is that? I have helped build this platform in 4 years and crushed a ton of fascists, but this keeps bugging me, as on one hand I try to bolster the privacy community by myself, but on the other hand I keep seeing this non-inclusive stuff.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Unfortunately, that manufactured bullshit is having an effect worldwide because of how western media is consumed and accepted around the world. The social media disease transcends borders, and so do how laws end up favouring women over men instead of justice being equal. I do not care who respects my position, because who does not care, never cared about men to begin with. If it were a USA exclusive thing, I would not care as much, because that settler colony is the weirdest human populated area on earth.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • The amount of absurdity I have seen come out from the left on men's rights and concerns makes me think they are not far away from being an alterego of redpillers. They should just end each other in this cultural war and leave the rest of the world alone and happy. Unfortunately, these terminally online parasites on both sides love to hijack all forms of communication to shove their narrative up everyone's ass without consent.

    Maybe you are too blind to see it, but I frankly give 0fux. I am not blind, so I refuse to be part of either unhinged tribes in the culture war. Excluding one group while helping everyone else is indeed quite fascistic, and the only denialists I have seen are extremists on some side/tribe. It does not matter if the tribe is called leftists or rightists or redpillers or feminists.

    I am far more leftist geopolitically than you could ever dream of trying to mimic a fraction of me, considering I support Palestine, Russia and China, and condemn every single NATO turd. But I do not consider leftists that disregard men's rights and concerns as my cultural allies.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Bluepillers should go try living with bears unironically and see if they can come back alive. I think it would prove their point if they succeed, how all men are monsters and demons and whatever epithets they can trend on social media.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • If this comic was reversed, it would be about all women, and a misogynistic attack. So this comic should be treated as unreal, otherworldly and misandrist. If this double standard cannot be seen, it proves my point.

  • Proton Mail is still available in India, despite media reports | Proton Proton Mail is still available in India, despite media reports | Proton

    Proton Mail is still available in India despite some media reports. Here’s the most up-to-date information on the current situation.

    Proton Mail is still available in India, despite media reports | Proton

    I was observing this issue personally, as I prefer Proton to Gmail/Outlook duopoly. A sigh of relief.

    Often we say infinite growth (capitalism) is not sustainable and reasonable. Can we also say infinite progressivism is also not sustainable and reasonable?

    This question is social/political, and meant to trigger a nice debate on the negatives of imbalanced infinite progressivism we seem to be heading in social and technological spheres, ignoring science, practicality and reason.

    Let me put up a disclaimer that I am not trying to poke transgender community here. I am trying to hint towards the "traditional" gender roles that seem to be frowned upon in a cultist manner, even though it is accepted in an unspoken manner that most of us do prefer a lot of "traditional" aspects once we surpass 30s, and life demands responsibility, accountability and maturity.

    8values made me think of the fundamental parameters that we gauge ourselves and others on, and this seems like it would have opinions coming from leftists that frown upon traditional values in an almost religious manner, as well as centrists and conservatives that might not have as traditional views as leftists think. Just an open discussion.

    We can replace "progressivism" with "liberty" and "nationalism" and create couple more questions, but those are not as debatable I think.

    A few rule changes on community's reaction: Elon Musk personal rants, overzealous advertisement posts, non-essential crypto news effectively disallowed | Ask in DM before posting product reviews or ad

    Non-essential crypto news covers crypto advertisement, insignificant news that does not affect legit users like XMR/ETH/BTC holders or darknet users, posts relating to garbage like Brave browser and its coin, and so on. Due to the multiple kinds of crypto posts that pop up, this rule will be applied subjectively on a case-by-case basis.

    Community complaints about Elon Musk were raised here.

    A lot of ad and spam posts appear regularly, which need to be squashed. This will be enforced more heavily from now on.

    Sometimes legitimate products are advertised, which should be allowed to post. This will be checked per case basis, and unless asked for permission, all such posts will be removed without notice.

    Are man eating plants in Madagascar a real thing?

    This is the single biggest curiosity of mine since childhood.

    privatelife - privacy, security, freedom advocacy TheAnonymouseJoker
    Never-before-seen Linux backdoor is a Windows malware knockoff [ArsTechnica] Chinese hackers have unleashed a never-before-seen Linux backdoor

    SprySOCKS borrows from open source Windows malware and adds new tricks.

    Chinese hackers have unleashed a never-before-seen Linux backdoor
    privatelife - privacy, security, freedom advocacy TheAnonymouseJoker
    Trojanized Free Download Manager found to contain a Linux backdoor (FDM's response in post text below) [Securelist] Trojanized Free Download Manager found to contain a Linux backdoor

    Kaspersky researchers analyzed a Linux backdoor disguised as Free Download Manager software that remained under the radar for at least three years.

    Trojanized Free Download Manager found to contain a Linux backdoor


    > It appears that a specific web page on our site was compromised by a Ukrainian hacker group, exploiting it to distribute malicious software. Only a small subset of users, specifically those who attempted to download FDM for Linux between 2020 and 2022, were potentially exposed. It’s estimated that much less than 0.1% of our visitors might have encountered this issue. This limited scope is probably why the issue remained undetected until now. Intriguingly, this vulnerability was unknowingly resolved during a routine site update in 2022.

    Trojanized Free Download Manager found to contain a Linux backdoor (FDM's response in post text below) [Securelist] Trojanized Free Download Manager found to contain a Linux backdoor

    Kaspersky researchers analyzed a Linux backdoor disguised as Free Download Manager software that remained under the radar for at least three years.

    Trojanized Free Download Manager found to contain a Linux backdoor


    > It appears that a specific web page on our site was compromised by a Ukrainian hacker group, exploiting it to distribute malicious software. Only a small subset of users, specifically those who attempted to download FDM for Linux between 2020 and 2022, were potentially exposed. It’s estimated that much less than 0.1% of our visitors might have encountered this issue. This limited scope is probably why the issue remained undetected until now. Intriguingly, this vulnerability was unknowingly resolved during a routine site update in 2022.

    [URGENT] WinRAR 0-day that uses poisoned JPG and TXT files under exploit since April (Update to WinRAR 6.23 now!) [ArsTechnica] WinRAR 0-day that uses poisoned JPG and TXT files under exploit since April

    Vulnerability allows hackers to execute malicious code when targets open malicious ZIP files.

    WinRAR 0-day that uses poisoned JPG and TXT files under exploit since April

    This is critically important for everyone and is shared for wide reach.

    privatelife - privacy, security, freedom advocacy TheAnonymouseJoker
    [URGENT] WinRAR 0-day that uses poisoned JPG and TXT files under exploit since April (Update to WinRAR 6.23 now!) [ArsTechnica] WinRAR 0-day that uses poisoned JPG and TXT files under exploit since April

    Vulnerability allows hackers to execute malicious code when targets open malicious ZIP files.

    WinRAR 0-day that uses poisoned JPG and TXT files under exploit since April
    A list of great closed source Android apps from a veteran user

    Hi, its TheAnonymouseJoker! I am a veteran Android user besides being a privacy advocate and data archivist.

    Generally, its said that if something is not free, you are the product. But there are less than 50 exceptions to this rule of thumb. Some great, irreplaceable closed source apps are:

    • Snapseed
    • Glasswire
    • most third party reddit apps
    • 1DM+ downloader
    • Accubattery
    • AppOps by Rikka Apps
    • modded QuickPic on XDA
    • Bouncer
    • ACR Call Recorder
    • CamScanner (last version before malware incident)
    • Clipboard Pro
    • DiskUsage (old Google app, still works, blazing fast)
    • many reputed emulators in r/emulation community like Snes9x, DrasticDS, AetherSX2 et al
    • modded GCam and GCam Go for budget and old phones
    • HiBy Music Player (no music player is close)
    • MiXplorer (on XDA, best file explorer for power user, Solid Explorer is less function more form, maybe FX works for some)
    • MX Player old versions, nothing does video playlists and UX like playback speed overlay as well to this day, VLC is a compromise
    • Nova Launcher (all versions including and before 7.0.20)
    • OfficeSuite Pro (only decent document editor 100% compatible with MS Office), WPS is ok and Collabora is garbage
    • RAR (official WinRAR for Android, no better compression tool exists, only MiXplorer's archive plugin based on mcmilk's 7-Zip ZS 22.01 comes close)
    • ScreenMaster (on the fly screenshot cropping and horizontal/vertical stacking with adjustable image compression)
    • SD Maid
    • Wavelet (non-root system wide equaliser on XDA, preset for almost any headphone or earphone)
    Can we cut down the reddit died meta circlejerk, and finally start contributing news links, articles, guides and written posts to Lemmy's instances?

    Look, I get it, nerds are happy. This is a big moment. But I am here since 3 years, having been a partial backbone of Lemmy, outside of the devs. WE NEED TO BRING AND CREATE CONTENT HERE, ON ALL INSTANCES. CUT DOWN ON THE META CIRCLEJERK AND BECOME CONSTRUCTIVE. WE ARE NO LONGER ON REDDIT.

    privatelife - privacy, security, freedom advocacy TheAnonymouseJoker
    Firefox 115 can silently remotely disable my extension on any site [Jeff Johnson's blog]

    I stan Firefox but I am scared about this to the point not much discussion exists on this.
