World travelers
World travelers
World travelers
Coconuts have evolved to spread from island to island by floating, but it's still weird that one happened to float to the other side of the world in historic times. I would have guessed that either the currents could never take a coconut there or that the currents would have taken a coconut there long ago.
(When I visit Florida, I see coconuts float by sometimes. Some have been in the water a long time - they're covered in barnacles. However, if they're still floating does that mean they might still be viable?)
Y'know... I'd have found all this "coconuts floated from Asia to the Caribbean" stuff pretty far fetched...
But not two years ago I was fishing, and a goddamn coconut floated right down and bumped me in the leg.
In the Monongahela River.
In Pittsburgh.
Floating upstream - what a coconut!
Mysterious ways, I tells ya!
I'm picturing it jump up rapids like a salmon.