Outdoor gear ๐๏ธ๐ฅพ (we have so many brands)
Outdoor gear ๐๏ธ๐ฅพ (we have so many brands)
Outdoor gear ๐๏ธ๐ฅพ (we have so many brands)
While I sometimes buy some sport equipment here and while they have some very accessible products, you can get much better quality for a bit more expensive. Worth saving money for a month more but have really good hiking equipment (or whatever you are looking for).
Also, I worked for them a few years ago and their policies were very questionable. E.g. sometimes they were throwing away some products but always smashed them (like, with a hammer) so "it cannot be used if anyone finds it".
which country were you working at decathlon in?
I've been to them all over the world, and their manufacturing bases decentralized, so I'm wondering if one country has worse quality items than the others.
It was Decathlon France back in 2015. Well, it's maybe more than "few years", things may have changed now
thanks, I'm going to look up News archives and see what was going on a decade ago in France that might indicate worse quality there.
that's just about my heyday with decathlon, but I was in China. the quality across the stores there was consistent.
can't believe you about better quality elsewhere, decathlon is absolutely my go-to sports store for any equipment, I've been using them for about 15 years without a single product that hasn't met or exceeded my expectations, and that's not smoke.
the first rucksack I ever bought still looks and feels new 15 years later, like not a single buckle has even broken, the hammock I bought lasted for a decade without any tears, and that is a super lightweight material, the day bags last for years, I don't think I've ever got something from decathlon that wasn't great.
shoot I've only worn decathlon quick dry ripstop pants for the past 15 years haha, I love them.
I did try a couple different brands while I was visiting the states, but North face and Columbia quick dry ripstop pants are dog shit compared to decathlon products.
shoot I still have the sleeping bag I bought with the rucksack, haha.
"sometimes they were throwing away some products but always smashed them (like, with a hammer) "
well that sounds bananas.
Raw textile or clothes are fine, I agree. I've seen a lot of issues in anything that implies moving parts or frequent assembling: bicycles, tents, rollers, etc. Nothing extremely bad but, as I said, I preferred to pay a bit more to get better equipment on my bikes elsewhere.
A bit more details on that "throwing away" part: there are often people who come to the workshop and ask to upgrade their equipment. They want to get a new set of tyres/inner tubes before a new bike season, set up new handles, change wrist watch batteries, etc. We were asked to always puncture old tyres, cut handles in half, etc. The watches case was infuriating to me: battery replacement was 5โฌ, the same amount as a new basic watch. We were asked to just offer people new watches and throw away old ones so no one could retrieve it from trash and use it later. I never did anything of those and resigned shortly.
Might not be as high quality as the big brands, but Decathlon has one of the best entry level models of bikes and rollerskates I have ever seen in europe. Since cycling can be an extremely expensive hobby (entry level starts at 1500-2000 eur at some manufacturers) In my opinion they are perfect starting point for someone, who wants to get into cycling without breaking the bank. The Triban road bike range is a great example (RC120 or 500 for example). I have mutiple friends buying from them and are very happy with their purchases.
Not as fancy components as the expensive alternatives, but great quality frames, good starting point for upgrades, free/cheap initial setup and good after sales support in my experience.
Also where I live they have nice competetive prices for tools and spare parts as well.
oh man my decathlon bicycle freaking Rocked for 6 years until I sold it when I left the country, and those decathlon one second tents are still my favorite tents from any store.
extremely durable fabric, poles, webbing even zippers.
where are you getting higher quality equipment?
I visited every sports store I could while in Europe and the states comment I couldn't find anything as high quality as the products I used in decathlon.
I'm traveling again now, so I want to check out recommendations for a competitor.
"We were asked to always puncture old tyres, cut handles in half, etc. The watches case was infuriating to me: battery replacement was 5โฌ, the same amount as a new basic watch."
man, that is CRAZY! do you think maybe that was just your store?
did you talk to employees at other French stores?
I can see how that would turn you off the brand.
= Aldi Sports!
true, Aldi is the most impressive grocery store in the US(low bar, but still): better quality food, cheaper price.
I've similarly never been in a sports store with better quality items than decathlon, and I visit a lot of outdoor equipment stores.