Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'
Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'

Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'

Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'
Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'
There you go. Time to give Ukraine some AC 130 gun ships. Good suggestion.
What, are there Russian hospitals in need of bombing? C130 can't operate if there is air defense
Just like Afghanistan. Always bragging until Puff shows up.
The degree to which you identify with the US war machine is really sad.
They had gunships in Afghanistan and US still lost, not sure I see your point here. Not to mention the Taliban didn't have close to the anti-aircraft capabilities that the Russian military has. AC-130s work fine for bombing defenseless hospitals, but against a force with radar, electronic countermeasures, anti-aircraft missiles, fighter jets, and all the other tools that a modern military has access to? I think the gunships would not be nearly as effective as you think
Russia has the best air defense in the world. C-130 is a big slow moving target. Even in Afghanistan they operated only at night.
Sure the best...right
I assume you believe China has the best?
Regardless C-130 gunships are a hilariously bad idea. This isn't Call of Duty son.
I wouldn't know who has the best, but I know if you have to say it, it's probably not true.
130s are a bad idea, but meant to rattle chains.
I guess if I was manning a SAM I would be a little rattled the first time it started raining fuselage parts
Or course it can't be the best, because they aren't the USA