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Defederate Now

These bigoted, ignorant scum will never listen to anything. They are politically illiterate infants with an allergic reaction to reading.

They have ruined a safe space cultivated and cared for, they have turned this place into a new reddit.

I had a dude in my private messages going on about how I was both mutilating myself and other children. Many more people on hexbear have had similar experiences, with these worthless ignorant scum popping in to deliver the political equivalent of a giant shit.

As your friends, comrades, and people you say you defend get slurred at, dehumanized, and harassed please ask yourself:

Is it worth it?

I have the answer, I know you know it as well:

No its not

I used to think otherwise

I was a fool

its not worth a few laughs

even if you dunk all you want, that doesn't take away the knife those people put in our backs.

These bigots, fascists, and NATO liberals are as worthless offline as they are here, why should we give them any attention. They are worth less than the dirt beneath our fingernails. Why should we poison ourselves with their influence? We don't make any room for them offline, why should we not online?

And really

How many essays have your written?

How many sources have you combed through?

How many times have you explained the most basic facts of reality?

How many attempts at good faith?

Only for them to dismiss it in their stupidity. They don't read it, they just crumble and divert back to the programming these little shits trust in more than God.

For every time there is a good faith user, there are a dozen scumbag fascists. And most of the time, the "good faith one" just reverts back to their old shit.

Do you really think losing any member of the hexbear or lemmygrad community, longtime members or not, is worth a few good dunks?

I don't believe a small chance of gaining a new user is worth alienating an entire section of the community. The vast majority of those idiots are lost causes. If they are interested, the can just make an account and ask in good faith.

Is posting a meme to "own the liberals" worth your comrades getting more trauma from bigots harassing them?

No its not.

you've had your laugh, but it should end

Ban them all, SJW,, lemmy, the programmer nazi edglords. Keep Lemmygrad.

Defederate from those communities. We shouldn't sacrifice our own for more clicks. For having to subject ourselves to the opinions of people thoroughly brainwashed? We aren't reddit. We came here to get away from that. I'm sick of this. We are sick of this.

End it now


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  • Ever since federation, I have been thinking about this idea:

    What if we defed from every instance minus the cool ones like lemmygrad but designate a week/month/day/whatever as federation week/month/day/whatever where we federate with every instance and I mean every instance, even that Nazi one, for the purpose of fucking shit up? I think this has many pros:

    1. It satisfies people who want to dunk on libs and the fash. Federation Friday (or other time equivalent) being a thing means dunkers can also converse their load before blowing it all on Federation Friday.

    2. People from marginalized communities can choose to skip Friday (or other time equivalent), but have the rest of the time on Hexbear without loser Ledditors harshing our vibe.

    3. It still connects Hexbear to the rest of the Fediverse so that we aren't completely isolated and can provide an escape for marginalized people from the other instances. Federation Friday might reach a level of notoriety to the point where the rest of the Fediverse anticipate Federation Friday.

    4. It is a pressure valve for people here. People here love to hype the pre-federation era, but I mostly saw it as filled with pointless struggle sessions like whether bidets are petty bourgeois. And I gotta say, those pointless struggle sessions mostly disappeared with federation. Personally, I don't like struggle sessions that aren't actually meaningful like pronoun flairs because they just lead to people here being bitter and low-key hostile with each other. Being exposed to loser Ledditors remind us that for all our faults, at least we aren't Ledditors.

    • I don't think this would work out. Users of other instances are already clamoring to defed from us just for using the all page as it was intended to be used. If we we're to change our federation policy to explicitly raid them once a week, we would unironically actually be brigading. They'd all instantly and permanently defederate from us before we even made it to the second week.

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