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What programming languages aren't too criticized here?

It feels like anything is mowed down on the internet. I've been a dev for a long time too, and I never feel sure when I chose a stack for a new toy project (in my day job I rarely get to chose, so that's a non issue there)


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  • As humans we (you are human, right?) have a negativity bias. Working projects are better than perfect tech stacks. Seriously. Anything even half way working is infinitely better than anything in your head. Just pick something and go, especially for you projects.

    • There is a bot posting ai generated stuff on my server, but this is my normal account, to post normal human things

      • Oh yeah?

        • [ ] I am not a robot

        Solve that.

        • I am a fellow organic food ingesting, carbon based human, using my meat based appendices to slowly communicate with other carbon based humans on the public network. While I type this my meat based appendices are getting very tired, because I totally had to use mechanical movements to close electrical circuits in a very inneficient way to send signals to a computer

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